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This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The inspection schedule function allows you to get a clear overview of all property inspections for the duration of a tenancy which includes details of all inspections due, booked and completed 

An inspection schedule is displayed on a tenancy when a tenancy has a start and end date, or is set to periodic

The inspection schedule screen also allows inspection notes to be entered to provide a clear audit trail of activity

1. Accessing inspection schedule

From the tenancy, Management tab:

  • In the Inspections panel, click the Inspection Schedule button (top right)

    The inspection schedule is displayed

2. Inspection schedule window

  • The first panel displays information on the tenancy start date plus the inspection frequency and responsibility

  • The panel below this shows the inspection schedule for the duration of the tenancy
    This list is shown in a grid, therefore allowing you to click a column heading to sort or to click to the right of the column heading to filter or group (or right-click to export to Excel)

    The following information is displayed:

    • Inspection Due
      Date the inspection is due in accordance with the frequency settings for the tenancy

    • Appointment
      When a date is shown, an appointment has been booked - when this is the case, double-click to open the appointment

    • Canc
      Indicates if the appointment was cancelled

    • FU
      Indicates if the appointment has been followed up

    • Draft & Final Report
      When a date is displayed, a draft and/or final report has been uploaded for this appointment
      For more information on using this function - click here

    • Supplier
      The name of the company who carried out the inspection
      Shown when the Other Agent field on the inspection appointment is used

3. Add property inspection notes

From the inspection schedule:

  • In the Activity Feed, click + button

  • Enter Property Inspection Note and click Accept

    Once saved, this note is non-editable and is shown in the Activity Feed on the inspection schedule and the tenancy

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