Versions Compared


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1. Viewing works orders for a specific estate

Works orders for a specific estate can be accessed via the estate record

  • Click Works

    A list of all works orders for this estate will be shown in a grid, see 3a

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2. Accessing works orders from the Organiser

From the Organiser, Estate Management panel:

  • The number of Outstanding works orders (step 3) and Works orders to chase (step 4) are displayed

  • Use the filter options at the top of the panel to choose to filter By Office or By Manager

    Click the cog icon to access panel setup where you can choose which offices to display when filtering by office

  • Click either option in the panel to display a list of the works orders


For more information on the Power Organiser, click here

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titleOutstanding works orders from main menu

Click Estate and select Outstanding Works Orders

3. Outstanding works orders

All works orders with a Status indicating they are in progress - and not set to be chased - are displayed here

  • Click Works order to view the works order

  • Click the address to view the estate record

  • To view the list of outstanding works orders in a grid - see 3a

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title3a. View the list of outstanding works orders in a grid

When viewing a list of works orders:

- Hover over the Estate Management panel header
Icons will be displayed on the right of the panel header

- Click the Pop out into full results icon

A list of all outstanding works orders will be shown in a grid - use grid functions to help finding/viewing works orders - see step 1a on this page for more information

4. Works orders to chase

All works orders with a Status of Raised - Chase every X days are displayed here

From the Organiser list:

  • Click Works order to view the works order

  • Click the address to view the estate record

  • To view a list of all works orders to chase in a grid - see 3a

To mark the works order as chased:

  • Click Works order to view the works order

  • After chasing the contractor, in the Notes area, click the + icon

  • Add a follow up note and click Accept

    This will add the note to the Notes area with a date/user stamp

  • Save and Exit the works order

  • Click Refresh on the Estate Management panel

    The works order will be removed from the Works orders to chase list - it will appear in the list again when the selected time period has elapsed

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When you no longer need to chase a works order, change the works order Status to another relevant option, such as Raised or Completed

5. Accessing completed works orders

  • Access the list of Outstanding works orders, as shown in step 3

  • Hover over the Estate Management panel header - click the Pop out into full results icon (on right)
    The list of Outstanding works orders is shown

  • Click Status link and ensure just Completed is selected

  • Click Refresh

    A list of works orders marked as Completed will be displayed

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "est-works" , "est-finance" ) and type = "page" and space = "RW"
labelsest-man est-finance
