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This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to UK only |
This guide outlines how a Client Accounts Reconciliation Report can be produced, with specific information on how this is carried out from the following different software packages: CFP, Vebra, Gemini & Jupix
To move from your current provider to using Reapit AgencyCloud for Client Accounts, a reconciliation report needs to be produced that matches your bank statement
This reconciliation should account for every penny in your bank account(s)
- it should contain:
a clear breakdown of all balances that make up the bank account
information on which client (landlord, tenant, supplier, etc.) the balances relate to
the type of balance (deposits, float, rent due, withheld tax, etc.).
The reconciliation reports should cover every bank account that holds client money. There should not be any negative cash balances on the report
- negative balances indicate that the client account is overdrawn so, if there are any, the client account will need to be replenished to cover the deficit
If you use CFP, Vebra, Gemini or Jupix
, see relevant section below:
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If you use another system, consult with your client accountant/software provider on how to produce the required reports If you have any covering sheets or additional reports that you produce in addition to the reports from your system, these should be included in your submission If your existing system is manual (e.g. Excel, Sage, etc.), a sample reconciliation report is included below, showing an example of the information required
There are two reports you need to produce from CFP: Reconcile Balances Report The Reconcile Balances Report is a breakdown of all of the balances in CFP - there should be no negative balances in the Cash Client Account or Cash Book Balance columns on this report |
Bank Reconciliation Report The Bank Reconciliation Report is produced when the bank account is reconciled; it should have a figure matching to the bank statement on the same day. There should be no unreconciled credits showing on this report. Unreconciled debits are not a problem, but any dating back several years should be reviewed. There are two important figures on this report:
Landlord Bank Balance The Landlord Bank Balance Report needs to be provided from Vebra - Reapit may also contact you to connect to your Vebra database in order to obtain additional reconciliation information |
The following three reports are required from Gemini. Account Totals Report The Accounts Totals Report lists the balances for all your landlords and tenants. |
Cashbook Report The Cashbook Report lists the unreconciled items. There should be no credits showing. |
Holding Account Report You need to produce a breakdown of all balances in the Holding Account. This may need to be manually produced |
The Trial Balances Report is required from Jupix. There should be no negative cash balances or unreconciled credits showing. |
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Information on how a Client Accounts Reconciliation Report can be produced, with specific information on how this is carried out from the following different software packages: CFP, Vebra, Gemini & Jupix |