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This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to the following regions: UK, APACall regions

This page explains how to identify available funds and debts against an account

1. Identify funds/debts

From a landlord or tenant account, click Transactions:

To identify credit:

  • If both the Credit and Unallocated columns show a value on the same transaction, the amount in the Unallocated column is how much is available of the amount in the Credit column on that transaction line

To identify debt:

  • If both the Debit and the Unallocated column show a value on the same transaction, the amount in the Unallocated column is how much is owed of the amount in the Debit column on the transaction line

2. Review available debt/funds from the landlord account

The example on the right shows (from top to bottom):

  1. £615 available of £750 rent income received
  2. £90.00 still owed for a £90.00 Management fee invoice
  3. £45.00 still owed for a £90.00 Management fee invoice
  4. Fully paid £90.00 Management fee

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How to identify available funds and debts against an account