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title | Configuration business options |
| The table below refers to each option in the Configuration menu - with links to related articles, where available: Configuration menu option | Functional Scope | Observation | Office Configurable |
System Configuration | All | General configuration that influences day to day user experience | All | Levelslevels | Setup Areas | Sales, Lettings/ | Letting Setup setup areas to support targeted applicant matching | Yes | Setup Contact Categories | Sales | / Letting, Lettings/Rentals | Define / setup categories which can be selected in the contact screen | Yes - default all | Default Fees | Client Lettings / Client Accounts - relates Relates to fees that are defaulted at start of a tenancy to ease the operational burden and ensure consistency | No | Departments | Sales, Lettings/ | LettingRentals | Setup at project stage - impacts portal feed, do not change | as impacts Portal Feed | No | Mailing & Events | Sales, Lettings/ | LettingAs stated. Ability to target specific contact categories as wellRentals | Define / setup mailing & event types which can be selected in the contact screen | Yes | Setup Negotiators | Sales | / Letting / Client , Lettings/Rentals, Accounts | Setup business / Client , or amend office setup (addresses, contact numbers, portal IDs) | Yes | Source of Enquiry, Applicant Position, Viewing Feedback | Sales, Lettings/ | LettingsSupports Rentals | Setup options to be used as sources, applicant position and feedback relevant for your business - doing this supports effective analysis of your customer base to drive process and determine ROI | Yes | Setup Referrals / Leads | Sales, Lettings/ | Lettings referalls referrals that will be presented on | Referral Panelthe referral panel on an applicant/property record | Yes | Setup Tax Rates | Sales | / Letting / Client Post Tenancy Checks, Break Clauses, Allowances, Renewal Optionspost tenancy checks, break clauses, allowances, renewal options | Yes - | Default all
Info |
The Getting Started section below outlines how to access each of the above menu options |
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title | General Config OverviewConfiguration - general overview |
| Supporting notes: - DO NOT CHANGE is stated where adjustments to values stored can create instability/data corruption within your Agency Cloud system. Where this is stated, these values are very rarely changed by Reapit once setup.
- PROJECT DEPLOYMENT is stated where enabling an option is associated with project delivery. Normally This is normally due to data migration and setup , and the coordination of a number of tasks to support a successful launch.
- THIRD PARTY INTEGRATIONS. Are INTEGRATIONS - are setup and deployed by the Reapit Services team - these . These currently cannot be undertaken by customers currently (although Marketplace will enable this in the future) - and ; you should request via the Reapit Service Portal.
Config OptionConfiguration option | Summary | Most |
Common Usagecommon usage |
Applicants | Options to influence the handling of applicant management | Inter- | Office office referrals enablement | Applicant Status | Ability to define default values for the applicant | - also and to define your own applicant status options | Default status, buying position | ' list' enablementoptions | Auctions | DO NOT CHANGE - | Requires requires Professional Services to enable | Contacts / Companies | Options to influence management of contacts | Configuration of Check ID Setup (AMR Checks) | Custom Lists | Extend the categorisation of various | '' Setup new Certificates types - Commonly used to refine types to client-specific requirements For example: setup new certificate types, which can then be added to Property Management Power | Organisor Panel for example. Commonly used to refine types to client-specific requirementsOrganiser Panel | Custom Grids | Define columns shown by default, dependant on the object being viewed | Adding Add specific columns as used by a client (differs for all clients) | - Warning: do not create new fields that are not stored against the object in focus as causes significant performance issues | Diary | Ability to define default values for Diary | ManagementAddition of Add new Diary Entry types | - note, Note: some types drive integrations (SMS = VW, SmartView = SV) | Email / Word / Excel | DO NOT CHANGE - | Determines determines the behaviour of Microsoft integration from Agency Cloud | File Paths / WebDav | DO NOT CHANGE - | Use use as a reference point only |
| General | Company level defaults - | Should be changed for organisation appears in which are displayed in the Referral Panel for properties/applicants | House KeepingHousekeeping | DO NOT CHANGE | International | DO NOT CHANGE | Landlord Statement | DO NOT CHANGE | Lettings Accounts | Only update by Client Accountant / Accountant | Default allocation of nominals to charge/cost lines | Lettings Payments | Only update by Client Accountant / Accountant | Lettings / Tenancies | Ability to define default values for management of tenancies | Default Inspection Value ( | Daysdays); enable Inspection value to be set at Tenancy level (post initial) | Market Place | DO NOT | CHANGE Relates relates to Reapit Foundations migration | Matching | Ability to define matching defaults/tolerances | Do not enable | '' matching - requires professional services to deploy | Offers | Ability to define how | Offers offers are managed/presented to | Users Offers presented et aloffers presented, etc. | Organiser | Mostly relates to previous (legacy) Organiser screen, rather than current Power Organiser | Internet registrations enablement ( | Office User Level - ; will require the user to apply offices on Power Organiser panel to display Set default Power | Organisor Company Offices Staffstaff Determine properties included in | Certificate Expiration certificate expiry panel | Particulars | DO NOT CHANGE | Pictures | DO NOT CHANGE | Programs / URLs | DO NOT CHANGE - | Exceptions Common UseageEchosign common usage | Adobe Sign details are entered here | which are Website website link stored here (used on templates, portal feeds) | Properties | How properties are represented online / internally | Display | Next Date vs Last Call, Number next date or last call, number of days to next call, default status of new properties, | InterOffice Referralsinter-office referrals | Property Descriptions | Enhanced | Property Descriptions property descriptions (note | - : fields created here are not presented to portals) | Create additional marketing | scree upto up to 5) | Reports | Influence specific fields relating to reporting output |
| Sales Progression | Ability to define your own stages/checkpoints for use on Sales Progression screen |
| Searching | Options that determine general, applicant, property searches | Include / exclude archive | Security | DO NOT CHANGE | System | DO NOT CHANGE | Tenancy Renewals | Setup up your own | Tenancy tenancy renewals checks |
| Trust Accounts | Applicable to Australian clients only |