The Void Analysis dashboard, one of the Lettings Management Information (MI) real-time dashboards available in AgencyCloudReapit, offers inbuilt real-time analysis of void data for the current month to date (as well as up to a year prior to this)
Accessing the dashboard, using the date & office filters plus general tips
Access the dashboard Image ModifiedEach panel is covered below - click a link to jump to a specific section Choose which data to view - Office(s) or Company Choose which month to view General tips for using the dashboard Use the Settings section to change how data is shown Hover over charts & statistics to see a tooltip which displays more information about the figure Click on a blank area of a panel to see the data behind the chart or statistic in a grid Click on a section of a chart to see the data for just that area When viewing the data in a grid, use grid functions to sort the data and export to Excel See the Data grids section for more information
Info |
Managed tenancy and Rent collection property roles letting service types are used for the void statistics, along with the property status being To Let - Available/Unavailable and Arranging Tenancy - Available/Unavailable More property role letting service types and/or status options can be excluded and /or other role/status types more included - see Settings section for more information |
Current Voids
Image Modified Info |
Hovering over the chart area gives more information in a tooltip, clicking the chart shows a data grid - see General tips for using the dashboard section above for more information |
Void Periods
Image Modified |
Void Periods Year To Date
Image Modified |
Void Statistics Last 12 Months
Tip |
This chart allows trends for each month for the year-to-date for the whole company to be displayed A pop-out chart option is available which allows both the office and status filter options to be used together |
Default view - void statistics last 12 months (company view only) Image Modified Info |
This chart shows figures for properties with a void period on the 1st of the month - therefore if a void period starts on the 2nd of the month and ends before the 1st of the next month, it will not show on the line chart E.g. if a property becomes void on 31st January & the next current tenancy starts on 2nd March, it will be counted as a void property in both February & March |
Pop out chart option Image Modified |
Tip |
The Settings options allow you to choose how data is displayed on your dashboard Changes made to Settings apply to the user who made them, therefore allowing you to customise your dashboard to match your priorities |
Accessing Settings | Image Modified |
Settings options All Settings options are shown below Image ModifiedOffice scope includes |
Chart colour settings Changes the chart colour scheme across all charts on the dashboard |
Property Role |
role other rolesVoid property status includes |
Statistics to show |
Reset |
Data grids
Viewing data grids Data grids are available to allow you to drill down to view the data behind the chart/statistic |
Data grid features The data behind a chart/statistic clicked is shown in a grid The example below is shown when clicking a monthly figure on the Void Statistics Last 12 Months panel Image ModifiedClick the column headings to sort by that column (ascending/descending) Click Export to export the data shown to an Excel spreadsheet Click a figure in the grid to see the associated property records (in the grid displayed, a Print option is available which provides usual export options, such as to email, letter, SMS or Excel)
Show Data Bars Ticking Show Data Bars displays coloured bars that represent each figure in the grid based on its ratio with the percentage of the total figure Image ModifiedClick % of Total drop-down menu to change this to show a percentage of the Maximum (Max) figure or show a percentage of the Parent figure (e.g. for a negotiator, the parent value is the office)
The shading width and colour differs to indicate the % share of the overall total of that figure - green shading indicates the figure being in the top third of the overall figure, yellow indicates the middle third and red the bottom third
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Filter by label (Content by label) |
showLabels | false |
max | 8 |
sort | modified |
showSpace | false |
reverse | true |
cql | label = "lettings-mi" |