Access admin account & find team
1. Log in to relevant admin account
2. Find team
Look up assigned learning, achievements & points/badges
1. Find colleague
2. View assigned learning, achievements & badges/points Use the options across the top of the screen to view assigned learning, achievements & badges/points To view all learning items that are either still in progress or not yet started:
To view what colleagues have achieved:
Assign learning
1. Switch to admin view
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2. Select course From the navigation bar:
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2. Assign a course to one person
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3. Assign a course to more than one person
Tip |
For any course you assign, tick Send email notifications to Learners optionto ensure the selected people receive an automated message about their booking |
Assign classroom/webinar courses
1. Switch to admin view
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2. Select course From the navigation bar:
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2. Select module
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3. Assign people to the course
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4. Register users to the session
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5. Select session
Run reports in Reapit IQ
1. Switch to admin view
2. Select reports option From the navigation bar:
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3. Reports dashboard Reports for your training admin account can be created here, saved reports are also shown
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4. Select report type From the dashboard shown in step 3 above:
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5. Build report - select data columns to appear in report
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6. Build report - set up report options Set up report options:
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7. Select download options The report can be downloaded immediately or scheduled
Related pages
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||||