Info |
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions |
This page contains a list of merge codes that are not currently available in the Letter Template Editor (LTE)
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Data | Merge code | Example output |
Company attention name | <Applicant.CmpAttnName> | John Doe | Negotiator Image | | | Financial Services Permission Given | <Applicant.FSGiven ? "Yes" : "No"> | Yes / No | Has made offers (sales only) | <Referral.Applicant.HasOffers ? "Yes" : "No"> | Yes / No | Most Recent Offer Property Address | <Applicant.LastOffer.Property.Address.FullAddress> | Atlantic Terrace, New Polzeath, PL27 6UG |
Data | Merge Code | Example Output |
Contact Categories | <Applicant.PrimaryContact.CategoryString.Replace("; ", Convert.ToChar(13).ToString())> | Age Range: 20-29, 30-39 Nationality: American Lists all ticked contact categories with each catagory on a seperate line. It is not possible to only list a specific category. |
RequirementsData | Merge Code | Example Output |
List All Requirements | <Applicant.Requirements.ToString()> | House, 1+ Total Bedrooms, Share of freehold, Leasehold, Lease 30+ years, Areas: LEE,DEV | Areas List | <Applicant.Requirements.GetAreaOrAddressInfo()> | Areas: LEE,DEV | Lettings Tenure | <Applicant.Requirements.GetAttributeListValue (Applicant.Requirements.Department.LetTenureList, Applicant.Requirements.LetTenure, "tenure")> | Long Let | Sales Tenure | <Applicant.Requirements.GetAttributeListValue (Applicant.Requirements.Department.TenureList, Applicant.Requirements.Tenure, "tenure")> | Leasehold, Share of freehold |
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title | Property Pictures / Virtual Tour |
Details (brochures & window cards)Data | Merge Code | Example Output |
Virtual Tour | <Property.Vtour> <Property.Vtour2> |
| Main Main Photo | <Picture> | <Picture <Picture Hires> |
| Photo Photo 2 | <Picture 1> | <Picture <Picture 1 Hires> |
| Photo Photo 3 | <Picture 2> | <Picture 2 Hires> |
| Floorplan Floorplan 1 | <Floorplan> | <Floorplan Hires> |
| Floorplan Floorplan 2 | <Floorplan 1> | <Floorplan 1 Hires> | If there is more than 2 floors, use these merge codes as <Floorplan> will not work. Use this instead: <"{Image " + Property.GetPictures("FP")[0].URL + "}">, <"{Image " + Property.GetPictures("FP")[1].URL + "}"> and continue with numbering system if there are more floors. | Map Map 1 | <Map> | <Map Hires> |
| Map Map 2 | <Map 1> | <Map Hires 1> |
| EPCEPC | <EPC> | N/A | High resolution EPCs are not stored | QR code | <QR> | | | Map Map or Photo | <"{Image " + (0 < Property.GetPictures("MA").Count ? Property.GetPictures("MA")[0] : Property.GetPictures("PH")[3]).URL + "}"> |
| Print a map if one has been added to the property, else print photo 3. Change the number 3 to a photo which has not been used within the template so the image is not duplicated. |
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Data | Merge Code | Example Output |
Offer Estimated Commission Amount | <Formatter.FormatPrice(Offer.OfferPrice / 100 * Property.Sales.Comm)> | £3,200.00 | Offer Estimated Commission Amount In Words | Formatter.PriceWord(Offer.OfferPrice / 100 * Property.Sales.Comm, false, true) | Fourteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighty Pounds | Vendor Solicitor Staff Member Attention | <Offer.VendorSolicitor.Attention> | John Doe | Vendor Solicitor Staff Member Salutation | <Offer.VendorSolicitor.MailingSaltn> | Mr Doe | Vendor Solicitor Staff Member Phone | <Offer.VendorSolicitor.GetStaffPhone (Offer.Property.Sales.Vendor.SolAttn, "b")> | 01234 567 890 | Vendor Solicitor Staff Member Email | <Offer.VendorSolicitor.GetStaffPhone (Offer.Property.Sales.Vendor.SolAttn, "e")> | | Buyer Solicitor Staff Member Attention | <Offer.BuyerSolicitor.Attention> | John Doe | Buyer Solicitor Staff Member Salutation | <Offer.BuyerSolicitor.MailingSaltn> | Mr Doe | Buyer Solicitor Staff Member Phone | <Offer.BuyerSolicitor.GetStaffPhone (Offer.SolAttn, "b")> | 01234 567 890 | Buyer Solicitor Staff Member Email | <Offer.BuyerSolicitor.GetStaffPhone (Offer.SolAttn, "e")> | | Current Offer Name (Applicant) | <Property.CurrentOffer.AllNames> | Joe Bloggs | Exchange date without ordinal number (i.e. th/nd/rd/st) | <Property.Sales.ExchDate.ToString ("dd MMMM yyyy")> | 20 April 2018 |
Buyer & sales detailsData | Merge Code | Example Output |
Exchange Commission VAT | <Formatter.FormatPrice(((Convert.ToDecimal (Property.Sales.ExchComm) * LoggedNegotiator.Config.Vat) /100), 2)> | £200.00 | Exchange Commission Percentage | <Math.Round(100.00 * (Property.Sales.ExchComm / Property.Sales.ExchPrice), 3).ToString("#.###") + "%"> | 1.5% |
Data | Merge Code | Example Output |
Company Staff Member Attention | <Property.PrimaryContactAttnName> | John Doe | Landlord specific details | See Landlord section on this page |
| Vendor Company Staff Member Attention Contact | <Property.PrimaryContact.AsCompany(). GetStaffPhone(Property.PrimaryContact.AsCompany().CurrentAttn, "e")> | John Doe |
Filter by label (Content by label) |
showLabels | false |
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spaces | com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.model.resource.identifiers.SpaceResourceIdentifier@a45 |
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labels | lte merge codes template |
cql | label in ( "templates" , "letters" ) and type = "page" and space = "RW" | labels | lte merge codes template |
Excerpt |
This page contains a list of merge codes that are not currently available in the Letter Template Editor (LTE) |