This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.202

This option is enabled by default and set to 14 days
Enterprise customers can request for the default number of days to be changed
To request a change to the default, click here to contact Reapit Support

An update has been made to the inspection schedule which determines how appointments are displayed with regards to when an appointment is due and when appointment(s) have been booked

This update uses a default setting of 14 days - meaning that when an inspection appointment date is due, for an appointment to be classed as the inspection appointment for that period, an appointment can be booked 14 days before this date and up to 14 days before the next due date - this allows the correct appointment to be assigned to an appointment date, as well as any follow up appointments that may be booked afterwards

This update allows for some flexibility when booking appointments, as there may be instances when the inspection due date is not practical, such as a bank holiday or weekend - it also allows follow up appointments to be assigned to the relevant inspection appointment

From the tenancy:

  • Click Management tab and, in Inspections panel, click Inspection Schedule (top right)

    Inspection schedule button.png

On the Inspection Schedule:

  • The Appointment column shows the dates the inspection appointments are booked on, with the corresponding Inspection Due date shown to the left

  • The Appointment date corresponds with the Inspection Due date when it is the same as the appointment date, 14 days before it or up to 14 days before the next appointment due date

    Inspection schedule screen.png

Although the Appointment dates are not on the Inspection Due dates, they are within 14 days of the due date, therefore they are classed as the appointment for the specified due date

For example, for the Inspection Due date of 16/07/2025, an appointment could be booked on any date from 02/07-28/12/2025 - any date before/after this range would fall under the previous/next Inspection Due period

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An update has been made to the inspection schedule which determines how appointments are displayed with regards to when an appointment is due and when an appointment has been booked