Credit card refunds

Credit card refunds

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to process a credit card refund

1. Pay the refund from BACS/ABA and Cheque Run

When a credit/debit card refund is processed, use the system to create the refund as normal, but pay the refund from the BACS and Cheques Run as a manual payment

From Bank Reconciliation:

The entry will be shown on the right side of the screen to allow the payment to be reconciled once it leaves your bank

2. Keep record of payments & refunds

  • A record should be kept by the office for any card payments and refunds

  • Best practice is to keep track of the transactions via an Excel spreadsheet which should be accessible by all users taking card payments 

  • Payment is received in to your bank as one amount, this can be made up of numerous credits and debits

The bank statement will be downloaded as a CSV and imported into the system via Import Receipts from Bank Statement - see next step

3. Copy then import via Receipts from Statement

From the spreadsheet, select the Reference and Amount:

  • Right-click and select copy

From Import Receipts from Bank Statement: 

  • Select Import Breakdown

  • When prompted, click Yes to confirm import

  • Click Post

4. Receipt shown in Bank Reconciliation

The receipt will now appear on the left side of the Bank Reconciliation screen

  • Right-click the receipt on the left side of the screen and select Reconcile to multiple items

  • Tick the relevant items and click Accept

5. Refund ready to be reconciled

The refund can now be reconciled and the bank reconciliation continued as normal

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