Search for local suppliers/contractors when creating a works order - configuration option

Search for local suppliers/contractors when creating a works order - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A configuration option is available which, when enabled, allows you to search for a local supplier when creating a works order

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support

Lat/Long coordinates

When creating a works order, the property needs to have lat/long coordinates present on the property record - click Checking for Lat/Long coordinates on property record section below for more details

If your system is set up so that the Lat/Long coordinates are identified when creating the property record:

  • Lat/Long coordinates will be automatically displayed on the main property screen, below the property address

If the above does not apply: 

From the property record:

  • Click Marketing
    In the Internet panel, the Lat/Long coordinates should be shown

  • If not shown, click Lookup/Change
    An online map is displayed, ensure the pin showing the property location is in the correct position, click Accept to save 

    Lat/Long coordinates should now be shown in the Marketing screen, as above

1. Create a works order & search for supplier/contractor

From a new works order screen:

  • In the Contractor panel, click Select