Remove supplier recover payment from BACS/ABA & Cheques Run

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

In the event a supplier has paid the funds back to the client account, this page explains the process involved to remove a supplier recover payment from the BACS/ABA and Cheques Run 

1. Receipt supplier refund 

From Import Receipts from Bank Statement:

  • Highlight supplier receipt

  • Select Company button (bottom of screen)

  • Select the supplier who the receipt is from

  • Click Post
    The receipt will now need to be reconciled in Bank Reconciliation

2. Repay the receipted funds

From the supplier company record:

  • Right-click Payments and select Repay Outstanding Funds

  • Enter the amount to repay and click Accept

Repaying the receipted funds creates an opposite entry in the BACS/ABA and Cheques Run to the recover payment entry 

3. Clear the unneeded recover payment 

The recover payment and the repaid outstanding funds are recognised as a zero payment

From the BACS/ABA and Cheques Run:

  • Right-click the payment line and select Clear zero payment

Both entries will be removed from the BACS/ABA and Cheques Run - no funds will be attempted to be recovered from future supplier invoices and no payment to the supplier from the Repay Outstanding Funds will be made

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