View guarantor information on tenancy arrears screen

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When viewing the tenant arrears screen, whether the main tenant has a guarantor can be viewed

The grid view allows theĀ list to be sorted or grouped according to whether the tenant has a guarantor, or not

From the Lettings/Rentals main menu:

  • Click Chase Arrears and view the TenantsĀ list (option top right)

  • The Has Guarantor column is displayed far right
    Columns can be clicked and dragged into a different position on the grid (this has been done in the example above)

  • Click the column heading to sort by Yes / No

  • Click the arrow to the right of the column for options (shown above) to group or filter the list by guarantor status

After moving the column - if you always want to see it in this position:

  • Right-click over the column headings and select Save grid layout

The Has Guarantor column is shown as Yes when the main tenant has a guarantor in place

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