Match email received in error

Match email received in error

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

If a contact has a partial/malformed email address entered into Reapit, and they are included in a match which is then emailed - when Outlook sees the partial/malformed email, it may use an inbuilt Outlook auto-complete feature and attempt to match the email address to one within the Reapit user's Outlook address book - resulting in an unrelated/unintended contact receiving the email 

This may come to your attention by the recipient contacting you to inform you that the email was not relevant to them and/or you receive an 'email unsubscribe' request - while this may appear to be a GDPR or system issue, it is advised to carry out the steps below to trace the user with the malformed email - which will then allow you to correct the email address on the contact record and therefore resolve the issue moving forward

1. Search for the sent email to get a copy of the recipient list

As the email was sent with all recipients in the BCC field, it is not possible to forward the email (as the BCC field is hidden from all recipients of the email) 

  • The user who sent the match email needs to locate the sent email in their Outlook inbox (usually stored in Sent folder)

  • In the BCC field, select and copy all email addresses then paste into a Word document (or similar)
    This provides a list of all the email addresses that received the match email

2. Get a list of matched applicants from the property journal

From the property:

  • Click Journal

  • Expand the Matches section to view the matched applicants on screen
    To assist you to locate matched applicants required, note the date beside each name

Depending on the number of applicants matched, you may be able to work through each one on screen, using the panel bottom right to check each email address, or you may prefer to export the list to Excel, as outlined below

From the property journal:

  • Click Reports/Interest (top right)

  • In the Applicants section, tick Applicants sent details of property (untick all other options), then click List Selected Applicants - the matched applicants will be shown in a list

  • The matched applicants will be shown in a list - click Print and choose to Export to MS Excel
    This will create a list of the matched applicants clearly showing names and contact details

3. Run the match again

From the property:

  • Click Match

  • Ensure Only include previous matches is ticked and click Accept

  • The matched applicants will be shown in a list - click Print and choose to Export to MS Excel

This will create a list of the matched applicants clearly showing names and contact details

4. Compare the three lists

To locate the partial/malformed email address in Reapit:

  • Compare the exported lists generated in steps 2-3 with the list of email addresses generated in step 1 
    List generated in step 1 shows the email addresses of contacts who actually received the email
    Lists generated in steps 2-3 show who Reapit sees as receiving the email as a result of the match carried out

  • When found, remove or correct the malformed email address on the relevant contact in Reapit

  • If still not found, click here to contact Reapit Support

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