Registered date, office & cleared columns added to link branch receipts screen

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

From AgencyCloud 12.133, the link branch receipts screen (available when importing receipts from a bank statement) displays three extra columns:

  • Registered date (shown in Unlinked Branch Receipts panel only)

  • Property office (shown in Unlinked & Linked Branch Receipts panel)

  • Cleared (shown in Unlinked & Linked Branch Receipts panel)

From the main menu, click Lettings/Rentals and click Daily Accounts Processes:

  • Select Import Receipts from Bank Statement

  • Click Link Branch Receipts

    The Link Branch Receipts screen is displayed showing the three new columns

  • Unlinked Branch Receipts panel displays the Registered date (next to the amount) showing the date the receipt was registered onto the system against the amount that has been recorded
    This date is also shown (as the Registered date) in the Nominal Transaction Detail screen (seen when double-clicking the transaction)

  • Unlinked Branch Receipts & Linked Branch Receipts panels display information on whether the receipt is Cleared and which Property Office it belongs to
    Clicking a column heading allows the receipts to be sorted ascending/descending
    Clicking to the right of the column heading offers options to group or filter the receipts

For more information on linking receipts, click here:

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