Power Reports library

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

How to use the Power Reports library

Read a summary of the report and, if you want to run this report on your data, just import the RRD file beside it
For instruction on this, see first section below titled: Importing an RRD file & using Predefined Reports

Once imported, this report will be added as a Predefined Report in Power Reports
This means the report criteria can now be easily accessed and run - a Predefined Report can also be added as a category on an Organiser panel

After importing, report criteria can be built on, or criteria options removed, to suit your requirements

For more information on working with Power Reports, see Related articles section below

Importing an RRD file & using Predefined Reports

1 Save RRD file

  • Using the library below, click the required RRD file

  • Select Download and choose a place to store it on your PC/laptop


2 Access Power Reports screen

From the main menu:

  • Click Reports and select Power Reports


3 Locate RRD file

Locate the saved RRD file on your PC/laptop

  • Click and drag the file to the Predefined Reports section on Power Reports screen

    The Import Report screen will be displayed


4 Import Report

  • In New Report Name, enter an appropriate title for this report

  • Share with allows you to choose how you wish to share this report criteria
    Options are: Share with Everyone, Offices, Negotiators or Do not share

  • When sharing the report, tick the box if you want to stop the report criteria from being edited by those you are sharing it with

  • Click Save


5 Running a saved report & further options

The saved report is shown on the right of the Power Reports screen as a Predefined Report

  • Click the report to display its criteria to the left
    Ensure that all criteria options are entered/picked, as required (or leave blank to report on all)
    e.g. if a report requires date, office or negotiator criteria to be entered, ensure you enter the required date or date range/offices/negotiators before running the report

  • Click Run Report

  • Right-clicking over the Predefined Report gives further options

    • Sharing options displays the screen shown in step 4 to allow the share settings to be changed

    • Delete report removes the report criteria from the Predefined Report list

    • Export to file allows an RRD file to be saved for the current report criteria

    • Export to code - for use by Reapit Support

    • Create new report based on this allows a duplicate report to be created and saved

Predefined Reports can also be added as a category on an Organiser panel, as outlined here:  Adding and removing categories on the Organiser (see step 3b)

Potential business reports

Report title

Report summary

RRD file(s) to export

Report title

Report summary

RRD file(s) to export

Local applicants not yet on market

Applicants that, according to their applicant status, are not yet on the market but haven't been identified as a potential client in the applicant status screen

Need to use the Postcode criteria to enter required postcodes for your area

Once this report has been run and the applicants contacted - where relevant, applicants should be marked as a Potential Client in Applicant Status (to ensure they are included in a Potential Client report)

Potential clients out viewing

Active sales/lettings applicants from the current office, marked as potential clients

Need to enter the date range you want to report on



Current market appraisals

Live sales/lettings Market Appraisals that have an associated market appraisal diary appointment after a specific date

Could also add Last call to the Property criteria to return MAs not contacted since a given date

Need to enter the date you want to report after



Properties marked as 'lost instruction' after market appraisal

Returns sales/lettings properties with the status of lost instruction



Appraised but not instructed

Returns sales/lettings properties with property status of Market Appraisal and with at least one confirmed Market Appraisal appointment (that wasn't cancelled) within a set timeframe

Need to enter the date you want to report after



Cancelled appraisals

Cancelled market appraisal diary entries from last month on properties from the current office


Applicants registered as potential vendors/landlords without a vendor/landlord role

Current applicants that do not have a vendor/landlord role but, according to their applicant status, are a potential vendor/landlord



Missed vendor referrals

Live sales applicants from the current office who:

  • don’t have a vendor role at Pre-Appraisal or Market Appraisal

  • were registered after a specific date (need to enter a date in Time field)

  • are not marked as a Potential Client

  • does not have a buying position of First Time Buyer or Buying Agent

  • does not have a selling position of Renting or Nothing to sell

Use the Full address field to filter applicants by address


Potential landlords

(live/archived investors)

Archived sales applicants whose buying reason was set to Investor/To let - worth reviewing for potential landlords


Withdrawn last year

Archived sales or lettings properties from the current office with the status of Withdrawn along with a journal entry of Sales or Lettings status to Withdrawn created last year



Archived withdrawn properties

Archived properties with sales/lettings status set to withdrawn

Can be filtered by bedrooms, reception rooms, price/rent or address



Anniversary report

Live & archived properties (for the current office) with an exchanged date in a given range

e.g. to generate a list of people who exchanged in January one year ago, enter dates as from 01/01/yy to 31/01/yy


Applicant reports

Property reports

Compliance reports

Viewing reports

Offer reports

Landlord reports

Tenancy reports

Certificates (lettings)

Morning Meeting reports

Related articles

Building a Power Report

Grids, print & export options after running a Power Report

Saving Power Report criteria and sharing reports

Support guidance & considerations when building Power Reports