Mailings & events - how to add & edit

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This article provides advice on how to add or edit mailings & events options using the Setup Mailings & Events screen

This guide covers:

From version 12.145+, a key contact can request access to the Setup Mailings & Events screen by contacting Reapit Support, click here to request this

Before making changes to configuration, the relevant guidance provided in this section should be read thoroughly - any changes made to configuration that causes an impact on operation may incur a charge to rectify

Accessing Setup Mailings & Events screen

From main menu:

  • Click user name/office top left of main menu

  • Select Configuration and click Setup Mailings/Events

  • The Setup Mailings & Events screen will be displayed


Example mailings list

From the Setup Mailings/Event screen:

  • Ensure Mailings option is selected (top left)

To add new mailings:

  • Click the Add button
    This action clears the right side of the screen, ready to add a new mailing

To edit an existing mailing:

  • Select the mailing on the left

  • Make changes on the right

  • Click Save

The following settings are available:


Enter a unique code for this mailing, see examples above. (This can not be changed once saved)


Enter the name of the mailing


Select the category the mailing needs to go in


Ignore - setting no longer in use

Weekly on, Monthly,
Annually, Other

Ignore - setting no longer in use

Default letter

Ignore - setting no longer in use


If the mailing is exclusive to one/more offices, select office name(s) here - if not, leave blank


Ignore - setting no longer in use


Example events list

From the Setup Mailings/Event screen:

  • Ensure Events option is selected (top left)

To add new mailings:

  • Click the Add button
    This action clears the right side of the screen, ready to add a new mailing

  • To edit an existing mailing:

    • Select the mailing on the left

    • Make changes on the right

    • Click Save

The following settings are available:


Enter a unique code for this event, see examples above. (This can not be changed once saved)


Enter the name of the event


Select the category the event needs to go in


Ignore - setting no longer in use

Weekly on, Monthly,
Annually, Other

Ignore - setting no longer in use

Default letter

Ignore - setting no longer in use


If the event is exclusive to one/more offices, select office name(s) here - if not, leave blank


Ignore - setting no longer in use

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