Landlord statement failed to send in landlord statement run
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
When a landlord statement fails to send in the landlord statement run, this can be due to a number of reasons - this guide outlines the various errors which can be seen and how to fix them
When an error occurs, an orange warning triangle will appear next to the landlord’s name on the Landlord Statement Run
Hover the mouse pointer over the warning
The reason why the statement failed will be displayed
See below for a list of errors, why they are occurring & how to fix
Error list
Accountant details not specified
Accountant details not specified From Landlord record, Landlord Financial Details:
OR, if the above is not needed:
Landlord has non-property transactions not linked to a property
You can identify what needs to be done, as follows:
Reapit Support may be able to fix the issue if the related funds (such as a receipt) are only linked to one property, by inputting the property codes this relates to - however, if the allocations are split across numerous properties due to a grouped payment, the landlord Statement Layout should be changed to
Landlord has no email address
From the landlord record:
Not due