Landlord admin fee VAT/GST option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When adding a landlord admin fee, the option to include VAT/GST is available

Adding landlord fees is done from tenancy renewals and alterations and, where enabled, from the property rent/fee details screen

1. Renewals and Alterations

From Tenancy Renewals and Alterations:

  • Select type from top panel

  • Select charge type as
    Landlord Admin Fee

  • Beside Amount field, an option to Include VAT/GST is available on right

2. Rent/Fee Details

From property:

  • Click Rent/Fee Details

  • In Landlord Fees section, double-click Add

  • Select type from top panel then select charge type as Landlord Admin Fee

  • Beside Amount field, an option to Include VAT/GST is available on right

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