Gallery view for property pictures

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A gallery view is available when viewing property pictures on a property record

The gallery view enlarges images to your full screen, allowing you to scroll through each one, access a slideshow function, open the property details/brochure & display the property location on a map

1. Open pictures window on property record

From property record:

  • Click View pictures/image (bottom left) to display the pictures window

2. Access & use gallery view

From pictures window (shown in step 1 above):

  • Click an image

  • The gallery view is displayed

  • Scroll though the property pictures using arrow buttons on right/left, or click the thumbnail images at the bottom of the screen

  • Click the main image to remove the thumbnail images and make the image full screen

3. Slideshow, Show Map & Details functions

Use buttons top right to access Slideshow, Show Map & Details functions:

  • Slideshow automatically displays each image (without needing to click arrow/thumbnail)
    Click Stop Slideshow to return to normal view

  • Show Map shows the property location on a map
    Click Hide Map to return to normal view

  • Click Details to display the property brochure/details
    This option is available when a brochure/details file is stored for the selected property
    (as Predefined Details within the property Details screen)

See this guide for more information on:

  • Adding property pictures, section 5. Add photos, floorplans & maps

  • Adding property details/brochure as Predefined Details, section 9. Create brochure

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