Holding deposit expiry date

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

From AgencyCloud 12.162+, in addition to the number of warning days for a holding deposit, an expiry date is also displayed to flag when a holding deposit has been held too long

The expiry date can be changed, which then updates the number of warning days (and vice versa)

When an expiry date has been changed, this is logged in the Activity Feed for the tenancy, plus information on holding deposit expiry dates can be viewed via the Organiser

A mail merge code is also available via the Letter Template Editor to allow the holding deposit expiry date to be included in letters/documents & email templates

1. View & update holding deposit expiry date

From tenancy:

  • To the right of Holding deposit, click link beside Held

  • Click link beside Warn days for option to Edit expiry date
    Warn days displays the current expiry date for the holding deposit along with the number of days set
    (previously only the number of warning days was shown)

  • Enter the new expiry date and click Accept

  • The date and number of days is updated

Changing the number of warning days via the Edit warning days option (shown above) will update the expiry date accordingly

2. Change to expiry date logged in Activity Feed

From tenancy:

  • Details of changes to the number of warning days and the expiry date is logged

3. View holding deposit expiry date via Property Management grid

Holding deposit expiry dates are included on the holding deposits held too long grid on the Organiser

From Organiser, Property Management panel:

  • Right-click over Holding deposits held too long and select Full results

  • The Holding deposit expiry column is displayed by default - grid functions can be used to sort or filter by date

    • To sort the list, click the column heading

    • To filter the list by date, click to the right of the column heading (to view filter icon) and enter the required date range

4. Holding deposit expiry date merge code in Letter Template Editor

A mail merge code is available via the Letter Template Editor - this allows the holding deposit expiry date to be included in letters/documents & email templates

From Letter Template Editor:

  • In the search field, enter holdingdeposit and press enter

  • This helps to locate the code titled HoldingDepositExpiryDate (within Tenancy section)

  • Click and drag HoldingDepositExpiryDate to the required location on the Word document to view the merge code: <Tenancy.HoldingDepositExpiryDate>
    The code can be copied for use in email templates

For more information on using the Letter Template Editor, click here:

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