Estate journal
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
When using Block Management - from AgencyCloud 12.165+, a journal is available on the estate record
The estate journal logs all key activity on the estate and its associated units
As seen across AgencyCloud, the majority of journal information is non-editable and therefore provides an audit trail for activity carried out
1. Access journal From estate record:
2. Estate journal
Sections are only shown when information exists e.g. if an estate has no letters generated for it so far, then the Letters section is not shown Each section is covered below |
3. Detail Change Displays key changes to the estate record, including changes to:
4. Letters
5. Appointments
6. Miscellaneous
7. Tasks
8. Units
9. Filter & report options Use search and/or date filters (top left) to find required information in the journal:
The Reports option can also be used when search/date filters have been applied, meaning that just the filtered information is used in the report produced The estate journal can also be reported on via Power Reports - after selecting Estate as the report type, select Journal Entries from the Linked Records options |
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