Introduction and opening the app

Introduction and opening the app


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The Reapit | PayProp tenancy connector integration allows you to copy tenancy data from Reapit directly to PayProp. The app can be opened from any tenancy in Reapit with the status of ‘Arranging tenancy’, or ‘Tenancy current’, and allows you to duplicate the property, tenant, and landlord information within Reapit to PayProp. Once these entities have been duplicated, the app will also allow you to send a holding deposit invoice to the tenant, set up ongoing rent invoices, send a Direct Debit mandate, or issue a pro-rata invoice via PayProp.

Please note: While this app integrates PayProp with Reapit, information only flows from Reapit to PayProp. You may see certain greyed-out fields that must be changed inside Reapit instead of this app.

You may also find, when creating a new tenancy using this app, that some fields available in PayProp are missing. This is because the app is focused on duplicating data from Reapit in PayProp. Fields not included in the app can be edited by logging into PayProp directly.

Installing the app

To install the app, open Reapit from your desktop. At the bottom of the sidebar to the left you will see ‘Apps’ – click here, and in the menu that pops up, choose ‘Browse apps’.

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Browse Apps

From this screen, search for ‘PayProp’ and look for an app called ‘PayProp tenancy connector’. Click the banner, then on the app screen, click ‘Install’. Once the app has been installed you will need to close Reapit and relaunch it.

Opening the app

Once the app has been installed, you can use it from any tenancy in Reapit. However, if you launch the app from outside a tenancy, you will only be able to see the dashboard.

From the 'Tenancy' screen, click the cloud icon at the top right and choose 'PayProp tenancy connector'.

Connection status

When the app is open, you will see a notification like the one below. The green dot indicates that your connection to PayProp is live, and the name after the green dot is the name of your PayProp account.

If the PayProp account displayed is incorrect, do not proceed as this will lead to your tenancy data being duplicated in the wrong PayProp account. If you have more than one PayProp account, the account you connect to is determined by the 'Office ID' of the property. To change this, you will need to close the app and update the 'Office ID' in Reapit. When the app has relaunched, you will be connected to the PayProp account that matches the new office ID.

Resuming your progress

The app will remember your progress as you use it. This means if you complete some but not all of the steps to create a tenancy in PayProp, you will be able to resume from your last step.


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Dashboard and navigation

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