Adding inspections to Inspection Express (APAC only)

Adding inspections to Inspection Express (APAC only)

This legacy functionality has been deprecated

This guide summarises how to book inspections within Reapit which will be flagged to sync with Inspection Express

Inspection Express downloads appointments that are booked in Reapit and uploads finalised reports back to into Reapit

How to book various inspection appointment types are covered, including:

  • Entry (check in)

  • Exit (check out)

  • Routine (inspection)

The different inspection appointment types determine what inspection template will be made available in the Inspection Express app

Click a link below to skip to the required section:

Book an entry inspection (condition report)

1. Create check in appointment

From the arranging tenancy where the entry inspection is due:

  • Open the Pre-Tenancy tab

  • Beside Check In, click Create appointment
    This will open a new diary appointment window, see next step

2. Enter appointment details

  • In Entry Date, set the appointment date

  • In From and To enter the and start/end time for the appointment

  • Ensure the Entry Type is set to Check In 

  • Ensure that Accompanied is ticked and the name of who is attending the appointment is displayed beside this

  • Save and Exit the diary appointment
    The entry inspection will now appear in the relevant agent's Inspection Express app upon syncing

Book a routine inspection

1. Create routine inspection appointment

From the tenancy where the routine inspection is due:

  • Open the Management tab

  • In the Inspections panel, click Book Inspection icon (top right)
    This will open a new diary appointment window, see next step

2. Enter appointment details

  • In Entry Date, set the appointment date

  • In From and To enter the and start/end time for the appointment

  • Ensure the Entry Type is set to Property Inspection 

  • Ensure that Accompanied is ticked and the name of who is attending the appointment is displayed beside this

  • Save and Exit the diary appointment
    The inspection will now appear in the relevant agent's Inspection Express app upon syncing

Book an exit inspection (final inspection)

1. Create exit inspection appointment

From the arranging tenancy where the exit inspection is due:

  • Open the Post-Tenancy tab

  • Beside Check Out, click Create appointment
    This will open a new diary appointment window, see next step

2. Enter appointment details

  • In Entry Date, set the appointment date

  • In From and To enter the and start/end time for the appointment

  • Ensure the Entry Type is set to Check Out 

  • Ensure that Accompanied is ticked and the name of who is attending the appointment is displayed beside this
    The exit inspection will now appear in the relevant agent's Inspection Express app upon syncing

Hints/tips & FAQs


  • Inspection Express will only download appointments, which are due in the next 15 days - if an appointment is backdated it will not be picked up in Inspection Express

  • Inspections can be booked quickly and easily via the Power Organiser or a Power Report

What happens if I change the agent in the diary appointment in Reapit?

If the inspection has already been synced to the app, it will not update in Inspection Express - if a change of agent is required, a call to Inspection Express support would be required

What happens if I book appointment directly in Inspection Express?

If an appointment is booked in Inspection Express, the appointment will be created in the property linked to the current tenancy

If conducting a check-in appointment, by copying the exit appointment, the check-in appointment will be stored against the wrong tenancy

If an inspection is created directly in Inspection Express - how it the appointment categorised in Reapit?

Inspection Express will pass back the inspection type to Reapit - therefore if the appointment is an Entry appointment, Routine Inspection or Exit appointment – these will always sync back to Reapit as the corresponding Check In, Routine Inspection or Check Out appointment.

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