Delete a landlord payment (UK only)

Delete a landlord payment (UK only)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to UK only

This page outlines the correct process to follow in order to delete a landlord payment

1. Highlight allocations

  • In the landlord Transactions screen, right-click the landlord payment and select Highlight allocations


2. Check details

  • Double-click the entry to show the nominal details behind the payment 

  • Click the Paid tab against the landlord payment entry and the highlighted transactions to ensure no entries have yet been paid

    This should appear blank in the Paid tab


3. Delete payment option

Once the landlord payment and the highlighted allocations have been checked and confirmed that no corresponding monies have been paid out

  • Right-click the landlord payment entry and select Delete payment

  • From the Delete Transaction screen, click Post to delete the landlord payment

  • Click Accept to confirm the transaction has been deleted

  • Exit out of the delete transactions screen


This will move the landlord payment, and any associated payments, out of the BACS and Cheque Run and change the highlighted allocations back to unallocated

If the payment to the landlord has already left the Client Account, you will need to create a credit note instead, as you will not be able to delete the entry

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