This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
This page outlines how to view your current and completed works orders, as well as how to log a works order on a block/unit as well as how to email works order details to the relevant parties
1. Access works orders screen
From the estate screen:
Click Works button (top of screen) The number shown in brackets on this button indicates how many outstanding works orders the estate has
The Works Orders screen shows a list of current and completed works orders
Grid functions are available to help with viewing your works orders - see 1a
1a. Grid functions
Click column headings to sort by that column
Click and drag a column to change its position in the grid
Hover over the column heading and click the filter icon for options to group or filter the list
Right-click the column headings for options to add more columns to the list (e.g. unit) and to also save the current layout
2. Create new works order
From the screen shown in step 1:
Click Create - a new works order screen is displayed Each panel is covered in the following steps
3. Works order panel
From Works Order panel:
Status - select the required status - see 3a for list
Work type - select the required type This list is configurable by Reapit Support
Reported by - select who reported the works e.g. leaseholder, management company, occupier
Booked by - will default to your name, can click name to change
Booked On date - will default to today's date but can be changed
Required By date - enter the date the works should be completed by
Completed - enter this date when the works are completed
3a. Works order status options
From Works Order panel:
Beside Status, select the required option When quotes are being collected from more than one contractor, select Pending quote & see step 4a
Once a works order is raised, if you need to periodically chase the works, set the status to Raised - Chase every X days This adds the works order to the Works orders to chase section on the Block Management panel of the Organiser - click here for more information: Locate a works order (block management)
4. Contractor
From Contractor panel:
Click Select to enter contractor details and search for the required supplier If not, found add new
Details of the selected company are shown in the Contractor panel, as shown above
Where quotes are being collected from more than one contractor, set the works order status to Pending quote - see 4a
If you need to remove a selected contractor, right-click over the contractor name and select Clear Contractor
4a. Storing quotes
When quotes are being collected from more than one contractor - contractor quotes can be added and managed
From Works Order panel:
Set works order Status to Pending quote
From Contractor Quotes panel:
Double-click Add - search for the required supplier (if not, found add new)
Complete the quote details and click Accept Quote details just entered are shown on the main works order screen
Continue adding quotes The Contractor Quotes panel will then display a list of each supplier's quote details
Emailing contractors
One/more suppliers can be emailed
Click E-mail contractors (bottom right) - all suppliers who have quotes logged will be listed
Check the supplier(s) to contact and click Select An email will be generated for each of the selected supplier(s)
Accepting a quote
From the relevant quote:
Change the Quote Status to Accepted - all others will be automatically marked as Rejected
When changing the works order status to Raised, the accepted quote detail will be used for the Contractor details and Net Cost Show Quote Details shows the list of quotes again
5. Enter Block / Unit details
Enter which block or unit(s) the works order is for
From Block / Unit panel:
Click Select andchoose block or unit(s)
Details for the selected block/units are shown in the Block / Unit panel
6. Works Details
Work Title - enter a summary of the works
Estimate - enter the estimated cost Click the link to change the type, options are Our estimate, Verbal or Written estimate
Total Cost - enter the net cost
VAT - click the VAT link and choose rate to automatically calculate the VAT based on the Net Cost Or select No VAT from the menu
Budget - click the link to select from the list - options offered relate to the budgets already set on the estate - for more information on setting budgets, click here: Create/edit charges & set budgets Once selected, an indication of the currently invoiced/remaining figure in that budget is displayed on screen
In line with the UK legislation section 20 notice (S20)
When charges to any individual leaseholder exceed £250, a message will be displayed to alert you to this
Click Yes to open the Letter Generator screen and produce the notice If no is chosen, you can use the Send letter link in the Estate panel of the works order to get access to the the Letter Generator screen
The Letter Generator screen will be displayed
A Notice of Works template will be available on the left:
Double-click the template to produce the notice
Leave Journal Entry ticked to ensure that producing the Notice of Works is logged in the Activity Feed for the estate/unit
A prompt to create a task will be displayed:
Click Yes
Complete the Notice of Works reminder task
Ensure the Activates date is as required
Click Send
The task will be shown in the Activity Feed and on the Organiser from the date set in the task For more information on tasks, click here: Messages & tasks (block management)
Description Enter further information on the works, this will be included on any printed works order details Further works items can be added to the works order to create an itemised costs list
Click to the top right of the Works Details panel
Enter the work order detail (description, cost, budget) and click Accept
All items are added to the Works Details panel, as below
7. Works order note
Notes can be added to the works order - these notes are not included on the printed works order details Once saved, notes cannot be edited or deleted
From Activity Feed:
Click (top right)
Enter note and click Accept
Notes are displayed in the Activity Feed with the date and name of the person who added the note
8. Estate contact details
Contact details for the estate are automatically pulled through to the works order
Click the arrow icon to view contact details
9. Printing/emailing works order details
Click Print
Options are offered to:
Preview and Print Creates a PDF of the works order detail which can be printed/sent
E-mail Document Creates an email, automatically addressed to the contractor, with a PDF of the works order detail attached
On exiting the Print screen, the option to save the PDF is offered
Click Yes to save the PDF
From the top left of the works order screen, click Documents button