Authorise & post supplier invoices (block management)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This guide outlines how to access outstanding supplier invoices - how to authorise them individually and in bulk

This option is accessed outside of the daily processes section, due to it being used and accessed at any time

1. Access option from main menu 

From the main menu:

  • Click Block then select Supplier Invoices

  • Click Authorised and Awaiting Posting 

For information on completing works orders, raising supplier invoices and authorising/posting to accounts, click here:

2. Pending invoices list & authorising each invoice individually

You will be presented with a list of invoices that have moved through the first stage of authorisation
As outlined here:

  • Before processing payments out, double-check the contents of each invoice

  • Double-click each invoice to open and check
    Uploaded document(s) can be seen in the Invoice(s) window (middle/bottom) - click document to preview it (a window will open to right of invoice screen to display the preview)

  • When ready, tick Post to accounts and click Yes

  • Click Exit
    The posted invoice will be shown on the Pending Invoices screen with a green tick beside it

  • Repeat until all invoices have been posted

3. Authorising in bulk

Invoices can be authorised in bulk from the main screen

  • Tick each invoice that you want to post and click Post selected invoices

  • A confirmation message will be displayed - click Yes to post the selected invoices

    Posted invoices will be shown with green ticks beside them on the Pending Invoices screen

Both processes outlined above give the same result - selected invoices will be posted and the values will be subtracted from the relevant budget for the estate

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