Self-service portal (tracker) troubleshooting

Self-service portal (tracker) troubleshooting

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A self-service web portal (or tracker) allows a landlord, tenant, vendor or prospective buyer to access a website in order to view real-time information about their properties or those they have shown interest in

If you have a client experiencing difficulties with the portal, including difficulties with logging in, this page outlines various checks and solutions to common issues and questions

1. Has the user activated their account?

Ensure that your client has activated their account

  • In order to use the portal, they need to have clicked on the activation link in the original e-mail sent


Information on emailing login details is covered on this page

2. Have they tried resetting their password?

From the portal login page:

  • Ask your client to use the Forgotten? link to use the reset password function

    This sends an email containing a temporary password to the email address registered against the self-service portal account


3. Have you used the correct link?

When e-mailing login details to the vendor/landlord/applicant, ensure the correct link has been used


4. Common issues / FAQs

Q: If a landlord has multiple email addresses stored in AgencyCloud, which one do they use to login to the self-service portal?

A: The portal will always prioritise the first email address shown in AgencyCloud
(i.e. the one highest up in the Contact list)

Q: When logging-in to the self-service portal, the web page page is blank - what should I do?

A: This may be due to the current status of the property in AgencyCloud - has it recently been withdrawn or archived?

Q: Documents are missing on the self-service portal screen - how can I view them?

A: Documents can be marked as Private in the Letters screen in AgencyCloud - private documents will not appear on the portal

Q: Why am I receiving emails with the subject line of Response from reapit.net containing landlord/tenant details?

A: This is due to your client updating their details via the self-service portal which triggers an email to your office to advise of the changes - on receiving this email you should access AgencyCloud and update your client's contact record with the new information

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