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This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to the following regions: the UK

Missing property or details not feeding across to a property portal or your company website are a common reason to contact the Reapit Service Desk - follow the short steps below and you will be able to address these quickly and easily.


This guide contains a series of checks to follow if you find that your company website or portals you upload to are:

  • missing properties
  • property details aren't feeding across correctly

Changes to how a property is presented on a portal (i.e. format) and the sending of additional status options need to be requested via your Reapit key contact
If - if you are a key contact, click here to complete the Set-up / Amend Portal Feeds form to progress this


The Internet Check tool carries out a basic check of the chosen property record.


Is your property

not on the portal ? ExpandtitleIssue is missing property on the portal

missing from a property portal? (e.g. Rightmove, Zoopla etc)

Complete Most queries are explained by completing this very simple check:
Carry out an Internet Check
in AgencyCloud



 Access property marketing screen


From the property

that is missing from the portal:Open the property record

record in AgencyCloud

  • Click Marketing

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2. Use Internet Check function


The Internet Check


function performs an examination of the current property record in order to identify any issue(s) 

  • Click Internet Check

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3. Issue(s) identified

A pop-up box will be displayed and the potential upload problems for this property will be listed

  • Work through the potential problems listed

  • Run the Internet Check again to ensure the issues are cleared

Your property should now upload to the relevant property portals or your company website - bear in mind feed times as this may not be immediate

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Common errors 

All of which can be addressed by the user (not Reapit Service Desk):

Are of
If you getting an error
message stating 'Agency is: ...'?

This error

is referring

refers to the agency type that has been set


on the property


record via the  Financial or Rent/Fee Details screen, Selling Agency or Agency field

titleIs the property status correct?

The status of your property must be

in an

at Available status

, whether it's a sales record or a lettings record
You need to check

- this applies to both sales & lettings properties

Check with your Reapit key contact (often your branch manager) to make sure the status of your property is permitted to upload to your website or portal

Do you advertise with OnTheMarket and is your property upload delayed
Is your property on OnTheMarket (OTM) but not others?

If you feed to OTM and your property is on that

Portal and

portal but not others

This will be correct, as many customer delay properties going to other portals by 24 or 36 hours (your key contact can verify this for you)
You do not need to contact the Reapit Service Desk for this issue - as the timing is agreed by your business's key contact

- this could well be correct behaviour - it is often the case that feeds to the other portals are set to delay by 24-36 hours

Upload timing is agreed by the key contact for your business - contact your local key contact for more information on this

titleMissing from Rightmove, Zoopla, OTM ?

If no issue is flagged by the Internet Check (as outlined above) and your property is still missing from

one of the websites mentioned above,

Rightmove, Zoopla or OTM - you may need to update the portal, as


outlined below

1. Update the portal

From the property Marketing screen:

  • In the Internet panel, click Update portals

  • Select the portal to send to

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You may see different wording here, such as Update Rightmove or Update Website - these options will still update your property record

2a. Confirmation message: sending successful

If this message is displayed, the property has now been sent to the portal

It can take 15-30 minutes for the portal to process the submission

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2b. Confirmation message: no update required

If you get this error,

your Reapit software

AgencyCloud does not think anything needs to be sent to the portal

If you don't believe this is the case, make a simple change


e.g. remove a comma on a description field and save the property


Repeat step 1 to update the portal again

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Are the property details on the portal/your website not the same as

your Reapit software?


For Rightmove, Zoopla


and OTM


Ensure that changes have been submitted


titleClick here for more information

Feeds to the main


property portals (i.e. Rightmove, Zoopla and


On The Market) are fed by a Real Time Data Feed, changes need to be submitted by the agent

(not Reapit Service Desk):

1. Update the portal

From the property Marketing screen:

Click Update portals

Select the portal to send to

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You may see different wording here, such as Update Rightmove or Update Website - these options will still update your property record

2a. Confirmation message: sending successful


If you see this message the property has been sent to the portal with updated details

It can take 15-30 minutes for the portal to process the submission

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2b. Confirmation message: no update required

If you see this message then your Reapit software sees that the property is with the portal and no changes are required

If you don't believe this is


the case,


make a simple change

to summary/description (

e.g. remove a

full stop

comma on a description field and save


the property

Repeat step 1 to update the portal again

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For other portals / company website

Other portal feeds are sent on a scheduled basis 3 times a day - mid morning, mid afternoon, early

If your update is before / after these times, then please do not contact the


The Reapit Service Desk

as we

are unable to change these times

You may need to wait for next scheduled upload to take place to see latest changes

Check portal upload reports in AgencyCloud

You can check the nightly upload reports stored by clicking Reports then Custom Reports in order to see Completed checks and still think something is wrong?
titleHave you checked the portal upload reports?
Click here for more information

Check the reports via AgencyCloud - from the main menu:

Click Reports then select Custom Reports

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The Nightly Upload Results reports for each portal will highlight if your property was sent in the previous

nights' feed or is online at the moment using either of these options:
View .... Nightly Upload Results
View .... Properties Online

nightly feed for the selected portal

The Properties Online report for each portal will highlight if your property is currently online in the selected portal

If you have completed these checks and still have an issue

Missing own ?
If properties are missing/incorrect on your
company website

If you have

not been able to address the issue following guidance above and it relates to your own business website
You will need to

carried out the above checks and the issue you are experiencing is on your company website - contact your website provider/hosting

, as they

They will need to investigate the issue

as it is beyond the scope of the Reapit Service Desk


they identify

an issue

, they should

is identified, the website provider/hosting service needs to log a case with the Reapit Service Desk


with the technical details of the issue

is likely to be more technical

Otherwise ...
If you still have issue(s)

Please provide the Reapit Service Desk with the following details:

Property code,

The property code with the issue plus the portals/


website where

there is an

the issue lies

Confirmation that all checks have been completed in this guide

; 99% of the time the items in this guide resolve the query and the team will just need to revisit theseNB: please do not log cases to amend properties or how they are formatted online using a 'query' form on the Service Desk Portal. Such requests must be be raised by your key contact as a 'request for change'.

If you need to amend how properties are displayed or formatted online, this needs to be raised by your local key contact via this form

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "portal" and type = "page" and space = "RW"
labelsself service amend user negotiator employee details

Related issues
Page Propertiesexcerpt