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This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The self-service web portal (or tracker) allows a landlord, tenant, vendor or prospective buyer to access a website in order to view real-time information about their properties or those they have shown interest in

This article outlines how your clients can use the self-service web portal

The guidance below is also available as a downloadable guide

titleClick here to download

View file
nameUsing a self-service web portal (tracker).pdf

1. Logging in to the portal

An email needs to be sent to the client (from the agent) containing a link to the portal

  • Clicking this link will automatically enter the login credentials
    i.e. user name/password


Where required, login credentials can be resent by the agent

2. Home screen

The tracker home page is displayed, showing the options that apply
In this example, the client has access to the Selling, Letting, Renting and Looking home pages

  • The numbers in red indicate messages/notifications to attend to

  • The back arrow (top left) takes you back to the previous screen

  • Logout is available on all pages and should be used to securely log you out

  • The Selling, Letting, Renting and Looking options navigate to the portal home page


If only one tracker is applicable (e.g. Selling), the home page for that tracker will be shown directly instead

Click each expandable section below for more information on each home page 

Selling home page

titleClick here for more information

Details of all properties the client is selling will be displayed

1. Home page overview

  • Messages/notifications are shown first, followed by property details
    Messages/notifications can be hidden by clicking Inbox (see screen in step 2)

  • The option to message the agency contact is available at the bottom of the screen via Send Message

2. More Details 

From the Selling home page:

  • Click More Details
    The Overview page is displayed
  • A Download Brochure option is available at the top of the screen

  • The menu on the left offers further detailed options for Sale Progress, Offers, Viewings and Marketing - see following sections

3. Sale Progress

Each step of the sale of the property is detailed, including its current status

4. Offers

Shows all offers logged for the property, clicking an accepted offer displays the Sale Progress screen for the offer

5. Viewings

Details feedback from all viewings logged, all viewings are listed with corresponding feedback including a chart to indicate feedback trends

6. Marketing

Contains details of print advertising and on-line marketing

The chart outlines day-to-day activity for page views, mail-outs to potential buyers and enquiries received

7. Calendar

Shows all previous/forthcoming appointments booked in for this property

Letting home page

titleClick here for more information

Details of all properties the client is letting will be displayed

1. Home page overview

  • Messages/notifications are shown first, followed by property details
    Messages/notifications can be hidden by clicking Inbox (see screen in step 2)

  • The option to message the agency contact is available at the bottom of the screen via Send Message

2. More Details 

From the Letting home page:

  • Click More Details
    The Overview page is displayed
  • A Download Brochure option is available at the top of the screen

  • The menu on the left offers further detailed options - see following sections

3. New Tenancy

When a tenancy is at Arranging Tenancy status, this screen shows rent details, planned start/end dates, details of the new tenant and their guarantors plus the current progress of the pre-tenancy checks

4. Management

Gives details of the current tenancy including rent details, planned start/end dates, details of the tenant and their guarantors plus information on works orders, utility meter readings, property inspection details and reports

5. Renewal

Displays tenant details plus the length of time left of the current tenancy and break clause information

An indication of any on-going check-out progress is also shown

6. Transactions

When using Client Accounts in Reapit AgencyCloud, the Transactions screen shows the latest incoming and outgoing transactions for this property

Specific dates can be chosen and the transactions can also be downloaded as a PDF file

7. Statements

This option is available to Reapit Client Accounts users and gives access to the latest landlord statements

8. Viewings

Details feedback from all viewings logged, all viewings are listed with corresponding feedback including a chart to indicate feedback trends

9. Marketing

Contains details of print advertising and on-line marketing

The chart outlines day-to-day activity for page views, mail-outs to potential buyers and enquiries received

10. Calendar

Shows all previous/forthcoming appointments booked in for this property plus notable dates and works order details

Renting home page

titleClick here for more information

Details of the client's current tenancy will be displayed

When integration with FixFlo is enabled, the option to Report a fault is also offered here


For more information on Fixflo, click here

1. More Details 

From the Renting home page:

  • Click More Details
    The Overview page is displayed

  • The menu on the left offers further detail on Faults, Renewal, Transactions and the Calendar - see following sections

2. Faults

Displays details of faults and issues logged including current status - click View to see further detail

3. Renewal

Displays details of the current tenancy - including length of time left and break clause information

An indication of any on-going check-out progress is also shown

4. Transactions

When using Client Accounts in Reapit AgencyCloud, the Transactions screen shows the latest payments

Specific dates can be chosen and the transactions can also be downloaded as a PDF file

5. Calendar

Shows all previous/forthcoming appointments booked in for this property plus notable dates and works order details

Looking home page

titleClick here for more information

Details of all properties viewed (and those forthcoming) will be displayed

Properties that have been matched to the applicant are also shown at the bottom of this list

1. Home page overview

  • The option to view More Details of the property is offered

  • For properties already viewed, the option to Make an Offer is available

  • For matched properties, the option to Request a Viewing is available

  • An option to Click here to change your requirements is offered (top of screen) - see section 2

2. Requirements

Shows current price/area/property type requirements used when matching properties

  • Make any changes as required, click Save when done (bottom right of page)

3. Calendar

Shows the applicant's previous/forthcoming appointments

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How your clients can use the self-service web portal - this guidance is also available as a downloadable guide (access the article for the download option)