First ensure that the PDF Creator application is installed; click here for more information
1. Emailing a letter as a PDF Create the letter, as usual, via AgencyCloud: Image Added | Image Removed Expand |
title | - | - |
2. Saving a letter as a PDF Create the letter, as usual, via AgencyCloud: From the Word document, click the Save button
The screen will switch back to AgencyCloud, displaying document options over the Letter Generator, as shown in 2a
Follow steps 2a - 2c to save a letter as a PDF to Reapit Agency Cloud
| Expand |
| - Select Save as PDF A window will be displayed allowing you to save the file: - Save the file to your Desktop - Enter a File name - Save as type should remain set to PDF document - Click Save The PDF will be created:
- Click No |
Expand |
title | 2b. Click & drag from Desktop to Letters |
| - Leaving the Letter Generator window open, minimise all open windows to view your Desktop - Click and drag the new PDF document over the AgencyCloud on the task bar and drop over the Letters window - The message below will be displayed, click Yes |
Expand |
title | 2c. Document options |
| The new PDF will be displayed and accessible in the Existing letters and files area of the Letter Generator window Image RemovedImage AddedRight-click over the document for further options, such as Rename, Delete, Print |