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This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how you can revert the import of a bank statement - this is useful when a statement has been imported incorrectly and means that a full bank statement import can be undone without the need to contact Reapit Support

Being able to reverse a statement import is only possible if all items remain not reconciled or imported as receipts

1. Reverse statement import option

The option to reverse a statement import is available from both the Import Receipts from Bank Statement screen and the Bank Reconciliation screen


From Import Receipt from Bank Statement screen

  • Right-click


  • Import buttonand select Reverse statement import


  • Reverse import option on receipts from statement screen.pngImage Added

From Bank Reconciliation screen


  • Right-click Import linkand select Reverse statement import
    Image Added

2. Select statement to revert

A list of imported statements will be displayed:

  • Select the required statement


  • and click Accept


  • Image Added

3. Import status message

A message will be displayed to confirm whether or not the statement import has been reversed


  • If some statement items have already been reconciled or imported as receipts, then it is not possible to revert the import


  • - the following message will be displayed, click OK

    Image Added
  • Where the above does not apply, the statement will be reverted and a message will be displayed confirming this


3a - statement import cannot be reversed

Image Removed

3b - statement import has been reversed


  • , click OK

    Image Added

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labelslld-statement clientaccounts_rnote_12_117 12_117
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This page outlines how you can revert the import of a bank statement - this is useful when a statement has been imported incorrectly and means that a full bank statement import can be undone without the need to contact Reapit Support