Reverse bank statement import

Reverse bank statement import

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how you can revert the import of a bank statement - this is useful when a statement has been imported incorrectly and means that a full bank statement import can be undone without the need to contact Reapit Support

Being able to reverse a statement import is only possible if all items remain not reconciled or imported as receipts

1. Reverse statement import option

The option to reverse a statement import is available from both the Import Receipts from Bank Statement screen and the Bank Reconciliation screen

From Import Receipt from Bank Statement screen

  • Right-click Import button and select Reverse statement import

    Reverse import option on receipts from statement screen.png

From Bank Reconciliation screen

  • Right-click Import link and select Reverse statement import

2. Select statement to revert

A list of imported statements will be displayed:

  • Select the required statement and click Accept

3. Import status message

A message will be displayed to confirm whether or not the statement import has been reversed

  • If some statement items have already been reconciled or imported as receipts, then it is not possible to revert the import - the following message will be displayed, click OK

  • Where the above does not apply, the statement will be reverted and a message will be displayed confirming this, click OK

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