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1. Select permitted occupier sub-report

From main menu:

  • Click Reports then Power Reports and select report type of Contact

  • Under Linked Records, Permitted Occupier is available as a sub-report
    Adding this sub-report to a contact report will ensure that any contacts returned are permitted occupiers on a tenancy

    Permitted occupier sub-report on contact report.png

This report will return a permitted occupier providing they are stored as a contact on the system and their contact record has been added as a permitted occupier

For more information on permitted occupiers, including how to add a contact record as a permitted occupier and also how to convert an existing permitted occupier to a contact record, click here: Add permitted occupiers to a tenancy (when main tenant is a person)

After selecting Permitted Occupier sub-report

  • Click Under Contact has a permitted occupier role, click Pick Tenancy Criteria
    This allows standard tenancy criteria to be selected for the contact report, where required

    Permitted occupier sub-report options.png
  • Under Contact Report, click Pick Contact Criteria
    This allows standard contact criteria to be added to the report, where required - including other sub-reports, such as: ID Check, Right to Rent ID Check, etc.
    To see all available sub-reports, click Show more

    Permitted occupier - contact sub-reports.pngImage Added

2. Example reports

This report will return details of all active contacts from the London office with a permitted occupier role and that do not have any right to rent (RTR) checks logged

Permitted occupier - example report 1.png

A similar report could be run to find all active contacts from the London office with a permitted occupier role who have had RTR checks entered on the system and the checks are expiring

Permitted occupier - example report 2.png

2. Report results grid

The relevant contact records are shown in a grid:

  • Double-click to view the related contact record

    Permitted occupier - report results grid.png

Usual grid functions can be used:

  • Click a column heading to sort by that column

  • Click to the right of the column heading to view the filter icon where the column can be searched, filtered or grouped (dependent on column content)

  • Add/remove columns by right-clicking over the column heading and selecting Pick columns
    Columns can also be moved by clicking and dragging them to a new position

  • After making changes to the grid layout, right-click over the column headings again and click Save grid layout


Option to Export to - Excel Spreadsheet is also available by right-clicking over the column headings
