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This article contains the frequently asked questions for customers migrating to Reapit Connect.

title1. I have the ability to change configuration files – how can I do that with the new login screen?

From the login screen, press CTRL + SHIFT + F9 - this will give the option to revert to the old screen where changing of configuration files is supported

title2. I manage adding users to Reapit Agency Cloud – how does this change impact me?

The process of adding users onto Agency Cloud will not change. The exception being that when users are added with a valid email address, they will be provided with a welcome email containing a temporary password. When logging in using the temporary password, they will be advised to update the password to a more memorable one.

title3. How long is the single use password valid for?

The single use password, provided as part of the forgotten password process, is valid for 24 hours.

title4. Why can’t I set a password on new user accounts?

User passwords are now handled via a self-managed authentication service. Once a user is registered, they will be sent a temporary password to their registered email address.

title5. I've forgotten my password - how do I reset it?

From the main login screen, click Forgot your password? to reset your password.

title6. I don’t have an email address. How can I add one to Agency Cloud?

There are two ways to add an email address for an existing Agency Cloud user, this depends on whether your user accounts are managed by a central administration team or by individual users themselves.

Both methods are outlined below.

Admin users with permission to manage other Agency Cloud users

  1. From Agency Cloud, open Configuration > Setup Negotiators screen
    This requires you to be logged in as a user with permissions to manage your own negotiator records
  2. In the Negotiator and User Setup screen, select the user you wish to add an email address for and click the Advanced tab
  3. Click Installation Options > SUMS Options > Add e-mail address
  4. Click Yes when prompted and then enter the user’s email address in the box displayed, then click Accept when done


    If the email address entered in step 4 is not unique, i.e. an Agency Cloud user that uses this email address already exists, you will not be able to add the email address

    A new unique email address or email address alias will be required instead

General Agency Cloud users, with permission to only manage their own user account

  1. From within Agency Cloud, click your name/office in the top left corner of the screen, then click Edit My Details

  2. From the Update My Details screen, click Add next to E-mail and enter your email address
  3. Click Save to finish

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