Versions Compared


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Your company processes may dictate what needs to be entered when adding an applicant, therefore you should continue to follow these

1. Search for & add new applicant record

Before adding a new applicant, check they are not already on the system

From main menu bar:

  • Click Universal Search

 - see 1a
  •  (magnifying glass

top left
  • )
    Can search by email address, phone number, postcode, name or address

    Image Added
  • Enter your search text and press enter

Phone number or email address recommended
  • Image Added
  • If not found, at the bottom of the menu bar

- see 1b
    • Click Add New

    • Select New Applicant 

    • Choose Sales or Lettings, as required

  • An extra check will be performed to safeguard against duplicates

- see 1c


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    • Enter phone number or email address and click Search

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Providing the search text entered above isn't found, a new applicant record will be created

, as shown in step 2

See next step

2. Enter contact details for all applicants

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Sales applicant

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Lettings applicant

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  • At the top left corner, enter the name

and address Under the main applicant name
  • of the main applicant

  • If more than one applicant is looking to buy/rent, in Extra Applicants, click + to enter their details

  • You will be asked to search for the extra applicant and, if not on the system, you can then create a new contact record for them

  • Below the name field, enter the main applicant

  • contact details

Click into the field beside
    • Beside Mobile, Home or E-mail click Add

    • Enter number/email address and click the tick (or press enter) to save

      • If the required contact type is

      • not listed and you don’t need one of the types already added, click it and change the label (e.g. work number), alternatively click Add another

  • Enter the main applicant

's 3. Status & Source
  • address


An example sales applicant record is shown above - adding names/contact details for a lettings applicant uses the same process as a sales applicant, click section below for a lettings example

titleClick here for an example lettings applicant record
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If more than one applicant is looking to buy/rent:

  • In Extra Applicants, click (plus) to enter their details
    You will be asked to search for the extra applicant and, if not on the system, you can then create a new contact record for them

3. Enter applicant status & source of enquiry


Completing the applicant status screen as far as possible is highly recommended


- doing so allows your data to be manipulated to generate business opportunities -

click here

see this guide for more information

From Status section:

Click General

Using applicant status & running reports

  • Click link beside Status and use the Applicant Status screen to document the

applicant status, selling, buying or renting position
  • applicant’s position

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Sales status options

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  • Potential Client should be ticked when the applicant has a property to sell in your office's selling

See 3a for sales & 3b for lettings


Source of enquiry should be used to indicate why an applicant has registered with you, this allows reports to be run to identify trends

From Source section:

Click Select and choose the relevant option from the drop-down menu
Selected Status and Source

Lettings status options

Image Added
  • Potential Client should be ticked when the applicant has a property to sell in your office's selling area

View status options

  • Selected Status options will be shown on the applicant record

- hover over Status to view in full - see 3cImage Removed

3a: Sales status options

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3b: Lettings status options

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title3c: Viewing Status options
- Hovering
  • Hover over Status on the applicant screen

  • to view all chosen options

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  • Right-

  • click over

  • Status options offers a menu to quickly edit the applicant status
    To view the full Applicant Status screen again, click the link


Source of enquiry should be used to indicate why an applicant has registered with you, this allows reports to be run to identify trends

  • Beside Source, click Select and choose the relevant option from the drop-down menu
    Options offered are configured to match requirements of your business, so may differ to those shown

    Image Added

4. Price /


rent range

Price/rent range is used for matching and can also be used when running reports

In the Requirements section:


  • Enter

  • start

  • and end

  • price the applicant is looking to buy

  • in

InfoShortcut when
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  • Enter start and end price plus rental period

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When entering monetary figures


use shortcuts - k for thousands & m for millions
e.g. 500k = £500,000, 1.1m = £1,100,000

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5. Requirements

Requirements should be entered to ensure your applicant is matched correctly

From the Requirements panel:

  • Click the pencil icon (shown in previous step)

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titleLettings Requirements - example
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  • What is displayed in

your applicant
  • the Requirements screen is dependent on configuration according to your business requirements - however,

  • the principle of how the screen works is the same

Sales requirements example

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Lettings requirements example

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  • In the first three columns, any tick represents a preference
    If the applicant has no preferences in a column then no boxes should be ticked

  • - all property types in that column will then be matched

  • By ticking boxes, an either/or preference is indicated which will then reflect in the match results
    For example, ticking house will only match houses

  • - ticking bungalow and house will match all bungalows and houses

  • Any tick in the Must Have (4th) column represents an essential requirement
    If more than one tick is selected, the applicant will only be matched to properties that have all corresponding attributes in that column ticked 

  • Add the minimum number of bedrooms, reception rooms and bathrooms

  • Tick Location to specify the Areas the applicant wants to look in

  • Close the screen to save changes
    A summary of the selections will be shown in the Requirements panel

6. Requirement notes

Requirement notes allow you to add any personal/specific information for this applicant

From the Requirement Notes panel:

  • Click the pencil icon

  • Enter notes

  • , then close the screen to save

Requirement notes can be edited/deleted as required

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7. Save & set

Marketing Consent

marketing consent

  • Click Save (top right)
    The Marketing Consent Information screen

will be
  • is displayed

    Image Added
  • Indicate the applicant's preference

  • and click Accept

An applicant's

Marketing Consent

marketing consent settings can be viewed and updated at any time

on the applicant screen - see 7bImage Removed Expand
title7b - Marketing Consent options on applicant record
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  • Click Marketing Consent (top left of applicant screen)for options

    Image Added

8. Creating a journal entry

The Activity Feed panel automatically displays key activity, this area is also used for adding manual journal entries

Journal entries, once added cannot be deleted, therefore provide an audit trail for activity

From Activity Feed:

  • Click (plus)

  • Select Create journal entry

  • Add Manual Journal Entry note

  • Click Accept

    A prompt to update the last/next call date is displayed - see next step

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9. Setting the last & next call dates

Setting the last & next call dates ensures that you are prompted (via the Organiser) to make contact with the applicant on a regular basis

  • Select Update last/next call dates
    This will update the last call date to today and will also set the next call date to a specified number of days in the future

  • Click Accept
    If you don't want to update the call dates, click Cancel

    The Next call date on the applicant record will be updated - the date set is dependent on configuration - e.g. 14 days



In this example, the applicant will appear in the Applicants to Call list on the Organiser from 02/12/2020 and will stay there until they have been contacted and their call dates are updated

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Hovering over the Next call date will also display the last call date


For further information on data entry, see: 
Golden Rules - recommended minimum requirements for your database

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cqllabel = "applicant" and type = "page" and space = "RW"
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