Formatting Entering a merge code using formatting will pull that formatting through to the letter/document itself - e.g. bold Numbered lists A numbered list can be generated by adding ‘true’ to the right of the number within the brackets at the end of the merge code - e.g. <Tenancy.GetAllowTitleSelectMerge(0,true)> If the number is not to be included then this would be entered: <Tenancy.GetAllowTitleSelectMerge(0)> Example For example, to pull the title and description into a document for the first allowance shown in the example below (i.e. Pets) - to show:
The following merge codes would need to be used in the template: <Tenancy.GetAllowTitleSelectMerge(0,true)> <Tenancy.GetAllowDescSelectMerge(0)> This will display the following text in a letter/document: 1. Pets Pets Clause: The Tenant agrees neither to keep any animals, birds or reptiles or rodents in or on the Premises nor to allow his invited guests or visitors to do so and in breach of this clause to be responsible for the reasonable costs of rectification of any damage caused or for any appropriate de-infestation, cleaning, fumigation etc required.