Create/edit charges & set budgets
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
This page outlines how to create and add charges, ground rent, reserve funds and management fees to an estate record via the Manage Charges screen
This screen allows preferred suppliers to be set for charges, plus current and next year budgets to be set
For more information on apportioning charges, click here
1. Accessing the Manage Charges screen From the estate record:
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2. Manage Charges screen The following charges are added from here: Service Charge, Ground Rent, Reserve Funds, Management Fees To add a new charge:
To edit charge details:
To enter the charge amounts:
The Print button provides a shortcut to running the Budget report - which is also accessible via the Reports button, click here for more information | |
3. Add charges See the relevant section, depending on the type of charge you are adding
| - In Charge Type select Service Charge - Select a Category for this charge - Select a Nominal Code - Enter any Notes - Click Save and Exit (top right) - In Charge Type select Ground Rent - Enter a Description for this charge - Select a Category for this charge - Select a Nominal Code - If this charge will increase at set intervals, use the Increase Frequency field - To change to days or months, click the years menu - Enter the figure - Where a Collection Fee is involved, enter the percentage figure - Enter any Notes - Click Save and Exit (top right) to return to the Manage Charges screen - In Charge Type select Reserve Fund - Enter a Description for the charge - Category and Nominal Code should already be set as required, as shown right - Enter any Notes - Click Save and Exit (top right) to return to the Manage Charges screen - In Charge Type select Management Fee - Description, Category and Nominal Code should already be set as required, as shown right - Enter any Notes - Click Save and Exit (top right) to return to the Manage Charges screen |
4. Budget details After adding Charge Details and clicking Save, the Budget Details tab (within the same screen) becomes available
Budget figures can also be added on the main Manage Charges screen |
4a. Adding budget for future years When adding budget details for a future year, you can set the budget amount based on the previous year's amount
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5. Setting preferred suppliers Preferred suppliers can be set for Service Charges
| The Search Companies screen is displayed, showing a list of your current Supplier records: - If the supplier you need is displayed, double-click to add them as a preferred supplier - If not displayed, click Add to add a new record Or, if you have lots of supplier records, use the search fields at the left of the screen to search by name, telephone/email and/or address, before adding any new records To add further suppliers: - Click the link in the Preferred Supplier(s) column, then Select additional supplier To remove any suppliers already added: - Clicking the link in the Preferred Supplier(s) column offers the option to Clear the supplier and View the supplier record |
6. Setting budgets The current financial year budget is set from this screen, plus the next year budget To set the current year budget, in the YY-YY Budget column:
To set the next year budget, in the NY Budget column:
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7. Charges shown on unit screen Once charges are setup, they are broken down and displayed on the individual unit records (bottom left)
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