This enhanced functionality allows you to suggest specific information about the property, that might not be covered by the standard property attributes, to be included - it also allows suggestions about the length and style of the descriptions to be suggested
1. Generate AI descriptions Info |
In order to add additional prompts for the AI, a brief and/or long description needs to be generated first If you are returning to a property that already has AI descriptions added, skip to section 5 |
From AI Descriptions screen: |
2. Provide additional prompts to the AI From AI Descriptions screen: The newly generated descriptions are displayed bottom right  Use the Additional prompts field to enter suggestions for the AI For example: Include that the flat is 1 mile from the train station  Use the Description options to choose which descriptions should include these prompts For example, to apply it to both descriptions, leave set to Both and click Generate Or, to only apply it to the brief description, select Brief then click Generate Click Generate Information about proximity to the train station is now included in both descriptions 
3. How additional prompts can be used Theadditional prompts functionality allows suggestions for property features to be made, it can also be used to adjust the style and length of descriptions - see examples below Include company information in the description In Additional prompts field, type: Write this for <x> company, <x> office In Description, select Both and click Generate The company name and office is now mentioned in both descriptions
 Suggest the brief description is shortened In Additional prompts field, type: Make this description shorter In Description, select Brief and click Generate Brief description is shortened (compare to above screen)
4. Add descriptions to property record Note |
The description generated by AI may not be accurate or factually true and should be thoroughly checked before accepting |
From AI Descriptions screen:  Tip |
The descriptions are added to the relevant locations on the property record The brief description is added to the main property record and the long description is added to the property marketing screen (in the Long Description field) |
5. When AI property descriptions have already been entered Info |
New descriptions need to be generated in order to use the additional prompts functionality |
From AI Descriptions screen: The current Brief and/or Long Description fields are displayed and greyed out The Additional prompts field is also greyed out  Prepare the information required for the new descriptions required (as usual) Click Generate The new descriptions are displayed and the Additional prompts field is now available to use 