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title | Configuration Hierarchy & Options |
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Reapit Agency Cloud This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to the following regions: UK, APAC, UAE
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One of the most powerful and unique features of Reapit Agency Cloud is the ability to configure the application to align to your exact business requirements. Historically, this activity was reserved for Reapit service staff only. In 2020, I reviewed this; the Estate Agency is moving quickly, as businesses you need to be able to adapt quickly to changes and update your business processes quickly. As owners of your own business, you will always have far greater insight and awareness of what you need to do and will have the context of any request - that is invaluable and I passionately wish to empower you and provide autonomy to configure your Agency Cloud instance to your needs. Therefore, I have taken the decision to open up Agency Cloud general configuration options and to follow will be automation configuration.
To support this, we have developed a number of articles to support and guide you when applying configurations that are commonly requested and ones that we feel that you will value from.
Richard Day
Chief Customer Officer
July 2020
all regions |
The system has over 1000 configuration options and numerous variations
- these options have been developed over the
's software development - with a number of options driven through specific client requests
In order to provide context and a framework to support you gaining confidence in using these powerful features, the image in the first section below, Configuration hierarchy & options, sets out the framework in which these configurations operate
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Access to configuration is only available to authorised users - before making configuration changes, the relevant guidance provided in this section should be read thoroughly Any changes made to configuration that impact the operation of Reapit may incur a charge to rectify |
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title | Configuration hierarchy & option overview |
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title | Configuration Business Options |
| Config Menu OptionConfiguration business options |
| The table below refers to each option in the Configuration menu - with links to related articles, where available: Configuration menu option | Functional Scope | Observation | Office Configurable |
System Configuration - see next section | All | General configuration that influences day to day user experience | All | Levels Letting Setup setup areas to support targeted applicant matching | Yes | Setup Contact Categories | Sales | / Letting, Lettings/Rentals | Define / setup categories which can be selected in the contact screen | Yes - default all | Default Fees | Client Lettings / Client Accounts - relates Relates to fees that are defaulted at start of a tenancy to ease the operational burden and ensure consistency | No | Departments | Sales, Lettings/ | LettingRentals | Setup at project stage - impacts portal feed, do not change | as impacts Portal Feed | No | Mailing & Events | Sales, Lettings/ | LettingAs stated. Ability to target specific contact categories as wellRentals | Define / setup mailing & event types which can be selected in the contact screen | Yes | Setup Negotiators | Sales | / Letting / Client , Lettings/Rentals, Accounts | Setup business / Client , , , Viewing Feedback | Sales, Lettings/ | LettingsSupports Rentals | Setup options to be used as sources, applicant position and feedback relevant for your business - doing this supports effective analysis of your customer base to drive process and determine ROI | Yes | Setup Referrals / Leads | Sales, Lettings/ | Lettings referalls referrals that will be presented on | Referral Panelthe referral panel on an applicant/property record | Yes | Setup Tax Rates | Sales | / Letting / Client Post Tenancy Checks, Break Clauses, Allowances, Renewal Optionspost tenancy checks, break clauses, allowances, renewal options | Yes - | Default all
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The Getting Started section below outlines how to access the above menu options |
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title | General Config Overview |
| Supporting notes: DO NOT CHANGE System Configuration - general overview |
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- Do not change is stated where adjustments to values stored can create instability/data corruption within your
| Agency Cloud - system. Where this is stated, these values are very rarely changed by Reapit once setup
| PROJECT DEPLOYMENT is stated where enabling an option is associated with project delivery. Normally - .
- Professional services - some options state that professional services are required to enable an option - this is usually for features that are associated with project delivery, normally due to data migration and setup
| , - and the coordination of a number of tasks to support a successful launch
- Third party integrations - integrations are setup and deployed by the Reapit Services team
| - these - . Currently, this cannot be undertaken by our customers
| currently - (although Marketplace will enable this
| ) - and you - in the future). You should request any third party integration requirements via the Reapit Service Portal
| Config Option | Summary | Most Common Usage |
Add-in Settings | Generally, setup up during project phase and will contain client-specific variables (branding, bank account information). Used to configure integrations such SMS and will list all technical integrations deployed to the client at the level of config selected)
The options listed below relate to the configuration option categories available in the System Configuration screen (via left hand side tab options) - links to related articles are also included: Image Added
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The Getting Started section below outlines how to access System Configuration |
System Configuration tab title | Summary | Most common usage |
Applicants | Options to influence the handling of applicant management | Inter- | Office office referrals enablement | Applicant Status | Ability to define default values for the applicant | - also and to define your own applicant status options | Default status, buying position | ' list' enablementDO NOT CHANGE - Requires Do not change - requires Professional Services to enable | Contacts / Companies | Options to influence management of contacts | Configuration of Check ID Setup (AMR Checks) | Custom Lists | Extend the categorisation of various | '' Agency CloudSetup new Certificates types - Reapit | Commonly used to refine types to client-specific requirements For example: setup new certificate types, which can then be added to Property Management Power | Organisor Panel for example. Commonly used to refine types to client-specific requirementsOrganiser Panel | Custom Grids | Define columns shown by default, dependant on the object being viewed | Adding Add specific columns as used by a client (differs for all clients) | - Warning: do not create new fields that are not stored against the object in focus as causes significant performance issues | Diary | Ability to define default values for Diary | ManagementAddition of Add new Diary Entry types | - note, Note: some types drive integrations ( | SMS = VW, e.g. SmartView = SV) | Email / Word / Excel | DO NOT CHANGE - Determines Do not change - determines the behaviour of Microsoft integration from | Agency CloudReapit | File Paths / WebDav | DO NOT CHANGE - Use Do not change - use as a reference point only |
| General | Company level defaults - | Should be changed for organisation appears in DO NOT CHANGEwhich are displayed in the Referral Panel for properties/applicants |
House Keeping | Housekeeping | Do not change | International | DO NOT CHANGEDo not change | Landlord Statement | DO NOT CHANGE Do not change | Lettings Accounts | Only update Should only be updated by Client Accountant / Accountant | Default allocation of nominals to charge/cost lines | Lettings Payments | Only update Should only be updated by Client Accountant / Accountant | Lettings / Tenancies | Ability to define default values for management of tenancies | Default Inspection Value ( | Daysdays); enable Inspection value to be set at Tenancy level (post initial) | Market Place | DO NOT CHANGE - Relates to Do not change - relates to Reapit Foundations migration | Matching | Ability to define matching defaults/tolerances | Do not enable | '' matching - requires professional services to deploy | Offers | Ability to define how | Offers offers are managed/presented to | Users Offers presented et aloffers presented, etc. | Organiser | Most Mostly relates to previous (legacy) Organiser screen, rather than current Power Organiser | Internet registrations enablement ( | Office User Level - ; will require the user to apply offices on Power Organiser panel to display Set default Power | Organisor Company Offices Staffstaff Determine properties included in | Certificate Expiration certificate expiry panel | Particulars | DO NOT CHANGEDO NOT CHANGEEchosign Do not change | Programs / URLs |
DO NOT CHANGE - Exceptions in Common Useage | Do not change - exceptions in common usage | Adobe Sign details are entered here | which are Website website link stored here (used on templates, portal feeds) | Properties | How properties are represented online / internally | Display | Next Date vs Last Call, Number next date or last call, number of days to next call, default status of new properties, | InterOffice Referrals Property Descriptions property descriptions (note | - : fields created here are not presented to portals) | Create additional marketing | scree upto up to 5) | Reports | Influence specific fields relating to reporting output |
| Sales Progression | Ability to define your own stages/checkpoints for use on Sales Progression screen |
| Searching | Options that determine general, applicant, property searches | Include / exclude archive in searches | Security | DO NOT CHANGEDO NOT CHANGE Tenancy renewals renewal checks and agreement details | Set-up pre and post tenancy checks, agreement details for break clauses, allowances and responsibilities, plus renewal options | Trust Accounts | Applicable to Australian clients only |
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title | Our advice on Good Practice |
| Our advice and guidance here are based on many years of working with Agency Cloud with all our customers - which have seen many highs and also lows - we would like to offer the benefit of Use of configuration options - good practice advice |
We would like to share our experience to help you successfully take on the configuration of your own Agency Cloud environmentenvironment; the advice and guidance outlined here is based on many years experience with the Reapit client-base. - Always determine what outcome/challenge you are trying to address before considering any change; avoid the desire to scour options to 'find something new'
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would always - recommend that you start by looking to align configuration, on paper, to your business processes, policies and service levels before mapping to
Agency Cloud Configuration- Reapit system configuration
| - Nominate one person who will have responsibility for applying changes; ensure changes are managed formally and controlled (this also help our Support teams)
| - Consider the impact on your customers and - more importantly - your staff; how will the change be communicated and trained out - the adoption of change comes from understanding why and the value to be derived
| - Avoid the temptation to create a myriad of configuration options - complexity serves to confuse, rather than clarify and focus staff
| - Avoid reactive/unconsidered changes to configuration; as the saying goes - change in haste, repent at leisure
as they say | - If in doubt, seek assistance - talk to Reapit Support or your Customer Success Manager
and they will advise you Warning |
See Testing configuration changes below for more information
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| These are a few tips that we find Getting started - accessing Configuration options & System Configuration screen |
This section outlines how to access the configuration options available to you (as outlined in the earlier section entitled Configuration business options): 1. Access Configuration menu and options available - Click name/office top left of the main menu
- From the System menu, click Configuration
The options displayed will depend on the level of access to configuration you have
- Selecting System Configuration displays the screen shown in step 2
Other Setup options are available below this
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| 2. System Configuration options On the System Configuration screen: - Use the tabs along the left side of the screen to access the required section
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| 3. Saving changes - After making any updates, click Save (bottom right)
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| Be careful when making changes that impact Company level - see Testing configuration changes below for more information |
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title | Testing configuration changes |
We recommend that all configuration changes are verified/tested before they are deployed to all users or an office. The guidelines to follow are: - Apply changes against your own negotiator account
- Log out/in of Reapit for changes to take effect
- Verify/validate that the changes perform as you expect
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title | Hints & tips when using configuration |
This section contains some hints/tips useful when dealing with configuration requests, queries or where things are going aren't working as expected. Questions Issues Image RemovedHandyConvenienr search box in Configuration - enter Unable to find what option/area you need ? | I can't find the option or area I need | - Use the search field at the bottom of the configuration screen - enter the topic you are looking for in
| the highlighted area and the tabs that reference the search will be highlighted in yellow to you as shown below when searching for Applicant. Image Removed- search field at the bottom of the screen, then press enter to perform the search
Image Added - The tabs that contain reference to your search word(s) will be highlighted (as shown below)
Image Added In this example the word Applicant was searched
| Changes do not appear to be taking | effect ?i) Always best for people to log out / in of Agency Cloud for changes to take effect ? | Changes still not taking effect ? | ii) Check the configuration at the | Log out of Reapit and back in again to ensure that the change has taken effect If you've tried that and changes have still not taken effect: - Check configuration settings at Negotiator, then Office level as a previous configuration may have taken precedence
(shown in the Configuration for field, see previous section)
| Need to identify a reference to a | field ?field | The Letter Template Editor (LTE) is the quickest and most effective way to identify the | programmatical programmatic reference to a field | Still If you've checked the LTE and still don't know what the reference to a field is | ?i) Using : - Use the LTE to identify the structure used against the object you wish to reference
| ii) Agency Cloud - Data Dictionary; this will then highlight in most instances the field name you will require
| Dont
| Don't understand what a configuration option | does ?i) - Hover over the item and, where enabled
| a 'Hint / Explanation' will be providedii) - , a hint or explanation will be provided via a tool tip
- Raise a request via the specific
| Agency Cloud Configuration
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title | Need further assistance ? |
Menu Item | Agency Cloud View |
To access the configuration menu, click on top of the Side Bar on your name :-> | Image Removed
To select Business Configuration Options select from menu :-> | Image Removed
To select General Configuration options select item highlighted :-> | Image Removed
Detailed System Configuration Menu - select the 'section' that you wish to review | Image Removed
Make an update - for it to take effect press 'Save' on the page your are on - Warning (be careful of making changes that impact Company Level) | Image Removed
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title | Testing configuration changes |
We would recommend that all configuration changes are verified/tested before they are deployed to all users or an office. Our advice is quite simplistic on this :
- Apply changes against your own negotiator account
- Log Out / In for them to take effect
- Verify/Validate that the change performes as you expect
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Related issues | Expand |
title | Need further support ?Any advice or guidance that you may require must be raised via the Reapit Service Desk Customer Portal - this directs your query to beyond our standard First Line Service Desk. The Service Desk is not positioned to handle configuration queries / issues that originate from the client directly due to the complexity; all by clicking this link All support provided is based on a reasonable endeavours basis only and we do not offer Service Level expectations . The link below is to the form on the Portal - please only use if you are the nominated Self Service Administrator and have a genuine query/issue that you cannot resolve yourself. |
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Before making any changes with your Agency Cloud configuration ensure you have read through the guidance provided and that changes are verified. Correction of changes applied that impact the operation of Agency Cloud may incur a charge for our service team to address. |
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A series of guides on how to get access & use a selection of setup screens is also available here: Self-service configuration options |
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Overview of Reapit system configuration options available - access to configuration is only available to authorised users |