This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to the following regions: UK, APAC, UAE
A configuration option is available which, when enabled, allows you to record a contact's communication preferences with regards to how they are happy to be contacted by you, i.e. email, letter, phone, SMS.
Each communication method that your client is happy for you to use is indicated by a ticked check box. When a preference is not ticked, emailing, texting or generating a letter (individually or in bulk) will either be disallowed or indicated on screen to advise that the method of communication is not preferred. When creating phone out lists via reporting, clients opting out of phone contact can be identified.
To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support.
1. Managing communication preferences From the contact details area of a record:
| |
2. Impact on contact record Un-ticking any of the above preferences is indicated on screen by a change of contact icon colour
Hovering over an amber/red icon will display a message to indicate that the selected form of communication is not preferred | 2a: 2b: 2c: 2d: |
3. Impact when producing communications When generating letters, emails or text messages, clients who have opted out of such communication will be removed from bulk communications For example, when matching and emailing match results From the match list:
| When generating a phone out list, to identify clients who are happy to be contacted by phone, generate a contact report and include Phone preference in the report criteria, see steps 4 & 5 |
4. Reporting When generating a contact report via Power Reports, options to view the communication preference of the returned contacts is available From the Power Reports screen:
Communication preference criteria and viewing preferences in the report results grid are only available by generating a contact report | |
5. Report example This example report will return all active hot applicants registered in your office who have indicated they are happy to be contacted by phone For more information on building Power Reports, click here |
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