Automated email responder
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
The automated email responder function provides an automatic response to enquiries and valuation requests via email - giving an out-of-hours acknowledgment or reply to all email enquiries
An acknowledgement provides reassurance to the recipient that their enquiry has been received and allows you to set an expectation of how/when they will be contacted, while providing the ability for you to tell them more about your company and what service they can expect from you
The content of the auto-response email uses tailored templates dependent on the nature of the original enquiry, outlined below
This guide covers:
How it works
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Template types & features
Three template types are used for the automated email response - generic enquiry, valuation request & property enquiry, as outlined below
1. Generic enquiry template
2. Valuation request template (sales/lettings)
3. Property enquiry template (sales/lettings)
Example auto-response email
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