This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The range of Management Information (MI) real-time dashboard reports available in Reapit offer inbuilt real-time analysis of a range of data held in your database

The Management Information Dashboard, available from version 12.134, pulls together the current MI dashboards, enabling you to view the headline metrics for key performance indicators in one place, while providing access to current sales figures, including:

Clicking any panel in the dashboard links to the associated MI dashboard or reporting screen to allow you to view the data in more detail - each panel is covered below

On the main menu, click Reports, and in MI Analysis, select Dashboard:

1. View data at company or office level and select month to report on

Use the filter options top left to:

  • Report on one/more offices or the whole company (where security settings allow)
    Use the filter options at the top left of the dashboard to select Office or Company
    The office data shown can be changed via the Settings screen - see last section

  • Report by month
    Use the Date filter menu to select a month to report on - up to one year previous to the current month is available

2. Portal Enquiries

This chart displays, for the selected month, the amount of applicants or potential vendors/landlords sending their details to you and from which portal their enquiry originated 

Hovering over each section displays more information about how the figure was reached

  • To switch between applicant and valuation enquiries, use the icons top right of the panel:

    • Click head/shoulders icon to show applicant enquiries
      Shown in screenshot above

    • Click house icon to show valuation enquiries
      Shown right

Clicking this panel displays the Portal Analysis dashboard - click here for more information

3. Market Appraisal Information

Hovering over each section displays more information about how the figure was reached

The figures shown are for the selected month

  • Instruction Ratio
    From the number of Market Appraisals, the ratio of instructions gained from these as a percentage

  • Not Contacted in x days
    The percentage of contacts at MA status who have not been contacted

  • Not Contacted in x weeks
    The percentage of contacts at lost MA status who have not been contacted

    What is classed as contact and the number of days/weeks used is configurable via Settings in the Market Appraisal Analysis dashboard (see link on right for more information)

Clicking this panel displays the Market Appraisal Analysis dashboard - click here for more information

4. Withdrawal Information

Hovering over each section displays more information about how the figure was reached

The figures shown are for the selected month

  • Properties at risk
    The number of properties that have been on the market for a period of time with no viewings or offers
    The number of months/weeks used to establish 'no activity' is set via Settings in the Withdrawal Analysis dashboard
    (see link on right for more information)

  • Fees lost
    The total fees that would have been generated from withdrawn properties

Clicking this panel displays the Withdrawal Analysis dashboard - click here for more information

5. Pipeline

Hovering over each section displays more information about how the figure was reached

Current pipeline figures are shown, note that these figures are not date dependent

  • Total properties in pipeline
    Properties that are live and with the status of Under Offer/SSTC - Available/Unavailable with an accepted offer/reservation

  • Total expected fees
    The anticipated fees generated via the first accepted offer on a pipeline property

  • Breakdown by property status
    Total figures and expected fees are shown by property status
    i.e. Under Offer/SSTC - Available,
    Under Offer/SSTC - Unavailable,

Clicking any bar within the chart displays a list of the properties that make up the figure

Clicking within the panel displays the pipeline reporting screen to allow a pipeline report to be run - click here for more information

6. Data Accuracy

Hovering over each section displays more information about how the figure was reached

The figures shown are for the selected month

  • Applicants registered
    Shows the percentage of applicants registered with all required fields completed

  • Properties registered
    Shows the percentage of properties registered with all required fields completed

Clicking this panel displays the Data Accuracy Analysis dashboard - click here for more information

7. Applicant Information

This chart displays, over the year-to-date, the number of applicants registered, number of viewings booked  and the number of offers received per month

Hovering over data points on the chart displays the actual figures at that point

Clicking this panel displays the Applicant Analysis dashboard - click here for more information

8. Sales

This chart displays, over the year-to-date, the value of exchanges and completions per month

Hovering over data points on the chart displays the actual figures at that point

  • Clicking the panel offers two further options:

    • Selecting Pop out chart shows a larger version of the chart that offers the option to choose which Value to show - useful if you want to focus on just completions or exchanges

    • Selecting Open Invoice Reporting displays the Sales Invoice Reporting criteria screen to allow an invoice report to be run - click here for more information

9. Settings

From top right of dashboard:

  • Click Settings (cog icon)

  • Office scope includes
    Choose the office(s) you wish to include when selecting Office at the top of the Sales MI Dashboard screen

  • Portal Enquiries shows Applicant information
    With this option ticked, the Portal Enquiries panel will show applicant enquiry information with the option to switch to valuation enquiry information
    Unticking this option will just show valuation enquiry information in this panel

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The Management Information Dashboard pulls together the current MI dashboards, enabling you to view the headline metrics for key performance indicators in one place, while providing access to current sales figures