Market Appraisal Analysis MI Analysis dashboard

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The Market Appraisal Analysis dashboard, one of the Management Information (MI) real-time dashboards available in Reapit, offers inbuilt real-time analysis of the market appraisal data held in your sales database

This real-time dashboard helps to spot trends and identify opportunities in your existing data

Figures are calculated automatically based on journal activity and other records across the database, meaning less reliance on time-consuming, and potentially inaccurate, manual reporting methods

To make sure the dashboard contents are accurate and reliable, ensure the following is consistently logged:

  • enter all Market Appraisal appointments in the Reapit diary (or enter the MA date into the property Financial screen - this date can be used where configured via Settings

  • when given instruction to sell, change the property status to For Sale

  • if an instruction falls to another agent, change the status of the Market Appraisal property record to Lost instruction to other agent and enter the reason including details of the winning agent - this gives the property the status of For Sale – Available (Lost MA)

Accessing the dashboard, using the date & office filters plus general tips

Access the dashboard

  • From the main menu, click Reports, click MI Analysis and select Market Appraisal Analysis

Each panel is covered below - click a link to jump to a specific section

Choose which data to view - Office(s) or Company

  • Select Office or Company top left

  • The Office data shown will default to your own office - this can be changed via Settings

Choose which month to view

  • The current month to date will be shown by default - see top left

  • Click the drop-down menu to change the view - the last 13 months prior to the current month can be shown

General tips for using the dashboard

  • Use the Settings section to change how data is shown

  • Hover over charts & statistics to see a tooltip which displays more information about the figure

  • Click on a blank area of a panel to see the data behind the chart or statistic in a grid
    Click on a section of a chart to see the data for just that area

  • When viewing the data in a grid, use grid functions to sort the data and export to Excel
    See the Data grids section for more information

What is included / not included in the data?

Data shown

  • For all statistics* Market Appraisal data shown is for properties registered in the month selected using the date of the earliest MA appointment for the property 
    * except Market Appraisal to Instruction Ratio and Monthly Market Appraisal Statistics in the Last 12 Months - see individual sections below for more information

  • Where enabled via Settings, the MA Date from the property Financial screen can be used

Properties not counted

  • External properties that do not have Lost MA status

  • Pre Appraisal properties

  • Properties added as a Sub Plot

Market Appraisal to Instruction Ratio

Shows the ratio as a percentage of properties with an MA in the diary but no instruction in the selected month


  • if a property does not have an MA appointment in the diary but does have an MA Date on the property Financial screen, this can be counted in the relevant month as an MA - see Settings section for more information

  • if the property is either not external, or is external with the status of Lost MA but without an MA appointment, then the Registered date of the property is treated as the MA date

MAs Not Contacted in 3 Days


Lost MAs Not Contacted in 15 Weeks

Average Days to Instruction

Monthly Market Appraisal Statistics in the Last 12 Months

  • Clicking the chart in the dashboard displays a new chart in a separate window (see below) where, when viewing multiple offices, individual offices can be chosen

  • Figures shown can be changed to show by Counts or Conversion Rate, click the current view setting to change

Lost MA Reasons & Lost MA Agents


Previous Role Types

  • In this example, most of the Market Appraisals generated have originated from contacts whose most recent role was an applicant


Accessing Settings

  • Click cog icon (top right of dashboard)

    See next step for all available options

Settings options

All Settings options are shown below

  • Office scope includes
    Choose the office(s) you wish to include when selecting Office at the top of the MA Analysis screen

  • Chart colour

    • Select from Multi-coloured or Single-coloured charts, when choosing single-coloured, the Chart colour used can be chosen 

  • Use negotiator from diary entry...
    When clicking on the Market Appraisal to Instruction Ratio chart, the name shown in the grid for the MA appointment can either be the user name on the MA diary entry or the property manager name
    (tick for diary entry user name, untick for property manager name)

  • Not contacted MA period
    The number of days before a contact is classed as not contacted after an MA
    See below for what types of contact are considered

  • Not contacted Lost MA period
    The number of weeks before a contact is classed as not contacted after a lost MA
    See below for what types of contact are considered

  • Not contacted MA contact types
    The contact types (as logged in the journal) which is classed as contact after an MA

  • Not contacted Lost MA types
    The contact types (as logged in the journal) which is classed as contact after a lost MA

  • Statistics to show
    Use the boxes to choose which charts/statistics to show on the dashboard

Data grids

Viewing data grids

Data grids are available to allow you to drill down to view the data behind the chart/statistic

  • Click on a blank area of a panel to see the data behind the whole chart/statistic in that panel

  • Click on a section of a chart to see the data for just that area

    See example in next section

  • Clicking any figure within the breakdown displays the related applicant/property records, allowing individual records to be viewed

Data grid features

  • The data behind a chart/statistic clicked is shown in a grid
    The example below is shown when clicking the Market Appraisal to Instruction Ratio panel

  • Click the column headings to sort by that column (ascending/descending)

  • Click Export to export the data shown to an Excel spreadsheet

  • Click a figure in the grid to see the associated records
    In the example above, when clicking a figure, the relevant list of properties will be displayed

Show data bars

  • Ticking Show Data Bars displays coloured bars that represent each figure in the grid based on its ratio with the percentage of the total figure

  • Ticking Show Data Bars displays coloured bars that represent each figure based on its ratio with the percentage of the Total figure (options to show % of Max/Parent are also available)

  • The shading width and colour differs to indicate the % share of the overall total of that figure; green shading indicates the figure being in the top third of the overall figure, yellow indicates the middle third and red the bottom third

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