Hints & tips for using the Organiser

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The Power Organiser is a highly customisable dashboard, containing all the information you need in order to carry out your role effectively - the Organiser is made up of panels, where categories can be added and removed, as required

This page outlines how to:

  • Change panel size

  • Add and move panels

  • Save panel layout

  • Access panel setup

  • Full results (or pop out into full results) option to view grid

  • Use grid functions to sort, filter and group information

1. Change panel size

A panel can be full or half length of the Organiser screen

  • Hover over the bottom border of the panel
    A double-headed arrow will be displayed

  • Click and drag to make the panel full length or half length

    In this example the Property Management panel (previously full length), is now half the length of the Organiser

    This leaves space to move an existing panel below it, or add a new one - see step 2


2.  Add & move panels

New panels can be added and existing panels can be moved

To move a panel:

  • Hover over the panel header
    i.e. the coloured strip at the top of the panel

  • Click and drag to a space on the Organiser

  • When Drop Panel Here is displayed, drop the panel in the space indicated

    The panel will now be displayed in its new location


To add a panel:

An item in a panel can be pulled from its panel to create a new one

  • Hover over the required entry currently in a panel

  • Click and drag to a space on the Organiser

  • When Drop Panel Here is displayed, drop it in the space indicated

    The entry will now be shown as a panel

    In this example, Current Tenancies is being taken from the Overview panel and created a standalone panel

    In this example, Current Tenancies will now not be shown in the Overview panel unless enabled via Panel Setup - see step 4


For more information on changing layouts and adding new panels, click here

Move a panel:

Add a panel:

3. Save panel layout

To ensure any changes in the layout are saved for future use

  • Click the Layout button (top left)

  • Click Save current layout

To update the existing layout:

  • Leave set to Update existing layout

  • Click Save


To create a new layout:

  • Change the Layout name

  • Select Save as new layout

  • Click Save


4. Access panel setup

Panel setup allows the panel appearance and information shown to be changed

  • Hover over the panel header

  • Click the cog icon

    Panel Setup is displayed

  • Panel header allows you to change the title of the panel
    Clicking the button to the right of this field allows you to change the colour of the header

  • Offices to include allows you to add or edit the offices whose data you wish to show on this panel

  • Pick categories to display allows you to choose the content of the panel

  • After making any changes, click the tick icon on the panel header

    The bin icon allows you to remove the panel from the layout. Please note, there isn’t a solution to re-order categories at present.

For more information on adding new categories, click here

5. Full results (or pop out into full results) option to view grid

Information shown in a panel can be expanded and shown in a grid

From a panel showing more than one set of data (see a):

  • Right-click over the information you want to see in a grid

  • Select Full results

From a list (see b):

  • Hover over the panel header

  • Click Pop out into full results icon (to left of cog)


The selected information is shown in a grid - see next step




6. Grid functions to sort, filter and group information

When information from the Organiser is shown as Full results, it is shown in a grid where more information is shown and grid functions can be used such as sorting, filtering and grouping

  • Click on a column heading to sort by that column in ascending order

  • Hover over a column heading and click the filter icon

    • Selecting an option will filter the grid
      e.g. Selecting Under Offer - Available will just show properties with that status

    • Selecting Group by Status groups the list into expandable sections

      To ungroup, click the red cross which is shown at the bottom left of the screen

    • Right-click over the column headings for further options

      • Export to allows the grid contents to be exported to Microsoft Excel

      • Pick columns allows further information to be pulled into the grid

      • Any changes to the grid can be saved for future use via the Save grid layout option

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