Estate journal

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When using Block Management - from AgencyCloud 12.165+, a journal is available on the estate record

The estate journal logs all key activity on the estate and its associated units

As seen across AgencyCloud, the majority of journal information is non-editable and therefore provides an audit trail for activity carried out

1. Access journal

From estate record:

  • Click Journal (top middle)

2. Estate journal

  • Expand sections to see more information - double-click entries to open associated records

  • Associated information is shown on the right - use icons to open associated records and/or access contact shortcuts

Sections are only shown when information exists e.g. if an estate has no letters generated for it so far, then the Letters section is not shown

Each section is covered below

3. Detail Change

Displays key changes to the estate record, including changes to:

  • Service charge invoicing frequency, client account, estate status and financial year start

4. Letters

  • Displays a log of each letter which has been generated for the estate and for which unit(s)

5. Appointments

  • Diary appointments with the appointment type of Appointment booked on the estate/block/units are displayed

6. Miscellaneous

  • Displays other entries, such as manual telephone/contact notes that have been added
    (usually via the button on the Activity Feed)

7. Tasks

  • Displays tasks and reminders that have been added
    (usually via the button on the Activity Feed)

8. Units

  • Displays all units associated with the estate record

  • When an expand arrow is present beside a unit, this indicates the unit has journal entries

9. Filter & report options

Use search and/or date filters (top left) to find required information in the journal:

  • Enter text and/or dates and press enter

  • Click Filter then Clear all filters to return to the default view

  • The Reports option allows the journal information to be produced as a Detailed or Summary report

The Reports option can also be used when search/date filters have been applied, meaning that just the filtered information is used in the report produced

The estate journal can also be reported on via Power Reports - after selecting Estate as the report type, select Journal Entries from the Linked Records options

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