Access to landlord account details on property rent/fee details

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.178

This option is available by default - however, Enterprise customers can request that security settings are applied to disable access to the option for selected users/groups
To request this to be enabled on your system, click here to contact Reapit Support

Access to landlord account information is now available to all users via a link on the property rent/fee details screen - this information can also be hidden from view for selected users/groups

Depending on configuration, you may have previously had access to this information via the rent/fee details screen but in a different location (next to the Rent Guarantee section)

From property record:

  • Click Rent/Fee Details

    Rent-fee details option.png
  • An Accounts section has been added (top left)

    Rent-fee details screen.png
  • Click Landlord Account to view the landlord account information

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