Step 6 – Rent

Step 6 – Rent

This step will create a recurring invoice in PayProp for monthly rent and, if necessary, an additional single invoice for any pro-rata rent. 

Recurring rent

Rent Recurring.png
Create recurring rent form

Frequency *

Select a payment frequency from the dropdown menu. E.g. weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.

PayProp has more options for invoice frequency than Reapit, so select the correct option for the tenancy.

Due on day *

This option selects the day of the month the tenant invoice is due. If you select 31, this will automatically adjust to the last day of the month.

Recurring rent invoice start date *

Changing this date will determine when the tenant starts receiving recurring rent invoices. This should only be changed if you need to delay invoicing for longer than one rental period. For example, if you have a monthly rent and are adding the invoice more than one month in advance.
By default, this is set to today’s date.  

Rent amount *

The amount to be charged each month for rent.

Description *

Free text which allows you to enter what the tenant is being invoiced. This will be displayed on the tenant invoice and tenant statement.  

Enable Direct Debit payment

Check this if payment will be collected by Direct Debit. This will send a Direct Debit mandate form to the tenant, and payment cannot be taken until they have completed it.

* Required fields

Please note: Greyed-out fields can only be changed in Reapit by closing the app. Blank fields or incorrect information may cause errors.


Once the correct information has been entered, click ‘Create rent in PayProp’ to create the recurring invoice. If you would like to include a pro-rata invoice, follow the steps below.

Pro-rata rent

By ticking the 'Send pro-rata invoice' box at the bottom of the form you will be able to create a once-off invoice to be sent from PayProp to your tenant for the pro-rata rent. This should only be used if the first rent period is shorter than the standard invoicing period.

Rent Pro-Rata.png
Pro rata rent additional fields

Pro-rata rent amount *

The amount of rent due for the pro-rata period.

Pro-rata invoice date *

The date that you would like the invoice sent to the tenant.

* Required fields


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