New management checks & changing estate status

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to set-up new management checks

Once checks are complete, the estate status can be changed from Provisional to Under Management - a Management Lost status is also available

1. Accessing new management checks
While the estate is at Provisional status, New Management Checks can be logged

  • Click the icon to the right of the Status

    The New Management Checks screen is displayed

2. Completing new management checks

The types of check displayed is dependent on how your business have chosen to set this up

  • Each check type/title can be edited, as required 

  • Click Add check to add further entries to the list, or click the red cross on the right to remove it

  • The paperclip icon beside the check allows you to attach associated documents - see 2a

  • The order of the checks can be changed - see 2b

  • Use the link to the right of the check to update the status of the check - options are:
    Needed, Not Needed, Sent/Arranged, Completed


- Click the paperclip icon beside the check to access the Document Management screen:

- Click Add

- Browse to your document or click and drag the document over the above window

- The Rename field allows you to change the document name and Type (as you want it to appear in the above window)

- Click Accept

The document is displayed in the Document Management window

- After clicking Exit, the Document Management screen can be accessed again using the paperclip icon beside the check

- Hover mouse pointer over the check to move
- Click and drag the double-headed arrow icon on left of screen to move the check

3. Updating & completing checks

  • Hovering over each check shows who last updated it and when

  • A tick is displayed next to completed checks

    All checks need to be marked as Completed before moving to step 4


4. Moving to Under Management status

  • When all checks are complete, the icon will change to indicate this

  • Click the Provisional link to move the estate to Under Management status


To access the Management Checks screen:

  • Right-click over Under Management and select View management checks


5. Management Lost status

When you are no longer managing a site:

  • Click Status and select Management Lost

    Setting this status means that this site will no longer feature in categories on the Organiser or in the invoicing routine

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