Option to copy all buyers when duplicating a previously sold property

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.179

When duplicating a previously sold property, an option to copy all the buyers across to the new property record as vendors will be offered

Previously only the main buyer could be copied across

1. Previously sold property with multiple buyers

When a property is sold, the buyer details are stored on the Buyer & Sales Details tab

From property record:

  • Click Offers and select the Buyer & Sales Details tab

  • The main buyer is shown top left and all Additional Buyers are displayed in the panel bottom left

    Copy buyers to new property - offers screen.png

All buyer details can be copied across to a new property record as vendors, see next step

2. Duplicate property using previous/subsequent sale option

The option to copy all buyers across to a new property as vendors is offered when using the Previous/Subsequent Sale option in the duplicate property/vendor menu

From property record:

  • Click ellipsis button (), select Duplicate property/vendor and click Previous/Subsequent Sale

    Copy buyers to new property - duplicate menu option.png
  • Click Yes

  • All previous buyers will be offered for selection (as shown in step 1) - tick the boxes beside the buyers that you wish to copy across to the new property record as vendors, then click Select

  • The new property record will be displayed with the selected buyer details added to the property as vendors
    In this example, all 3 buyers were selected and are now shown as vendors, with the previous main buyer now the Primary Vendor and the Additional Buyers now the Second Vendor & Additional Vendor

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